Euronext Corporate Services B.V.

Euronext Corporate Services was established in response to the needs voiced by nearly 200 corporate issuers in a survey in 2016. This study showed that the four main operational efficiency challenges for issuers were:

Establishing and implementing an efficient investor relations strategy

Enhancing visibility and communication

Improving governance

Complying with regulation

As a result, Euronext Corporate Services now offers a suite of cutting-edge solutions and tailor-made advisory services in the fields of governance (iBabs), communication (Company Webcast), compliance (ComplyLog) and investor relations (Advisory and IR Solutions) to over 4,000 organisations from corporates to the public sector.

Close to you

We are an enthusiastic team with extensive experience in investor relations, governance, compliance and communication. We combine a strong local footprint across Europe with a deep understanding of global capital markets.

Every company is different and every financial ecosystem has its local specificities. We therefore have a hands-on approach with a local presence across Europe. Our offices are located in all the countries where Euronext operates capital markets: France, Belgium, Italy, Ireland, the Netherlands, Portugal and Norway.


Our agile team of dedicated professionals has extensive experience gained at both corporate and advisory firms. We serve a large number of clients from small private businesses to large public companies. Our services are already used by over 4,000 organisations.

  • - Power your investor engagement with IR.Manager

    Enhance your investor engagement with the most comprehensive and intuitive investor relations CRM and targeting platform

    Optimise your IR team workflow and manage all of your tasks in one easy-to-use cloud-based platform, including, tracking your ownership, targeting new investors, managing your IR itinerary, and reporting on your investor engagement performance.

    IR.Manager is the fastest, most responsive, flexible and comprehensive IR tool available. With easy-to-use features, IR.Manager saves time, and offers a flexible and powerful CRM, targeting and reporting functionality along with a global buy-side and sell-side contacts database.


    Investor Relationship Management

    Support your IR team roadmap and every step of your investor engagement programme:

    • Manage relationships with institutional investors, analysts and other stakeholders
    • Simplified roadshow logistics, from anywhere
    • Keep a record of meeting history and meeting notes
    • Manage lists and execute mailings with IR.Mail

    Investor Targeting and Profiling

    Get a better understanding of your shareholder base and the wider investment community, optimise the allocation of investor engagement resources, and effectively report back to management: 

    • Track your ownership through insightful intelligence sourced from leading financial data and IR service providers
    • Receive email alerts on the buying and selling of your shares
    • Target new investors through advanced identification, qualification and screening solutions
    • Report on your investor engagement performance to management with intuitive dashboards

    Reliable, insightful intelligence

    IR.Manager supports your investor relations with reliable, insightful intelligence sourced from leading financial data and IR service providers:

    • Profiles on 200,000+ buy & sell-side investment professionals, 40,000 institutions, 50,000 funds, and their known holdings in your company and peer group
    • Shareholder identification from Euronext partners (optional)

    Flexible and powerful SaaS solution

    Our intuitive and easy-to-use web-based solution is the fastest, most responsive, flexible, and comprehensive IR tool available: 

    • A sleek user interface and exceptional user experience
    • An extensive range of features for your entire IR team
    • A more autonomous connection to buy-side and sell-side communities

    Integrated accompanying mobile app

    Stay connected with the IR.Manager mobile app, supporting all your activities on the go: 

    • View your agenda, investor profiles, meeting history and ownership data
    • Dictate or type meeting notes with ease, even offline 
    • Available for mobile and tablet on iOS and Android

    VIP service & support

    Our dedicated team of European-based capital markets experts are on call to help you make the most of IR.Manager: 

    • An effortless and reliable data migration from your current platform
    • Enhance your experience with on-site training, responsive, continuous support, and access to our research team for data updates
    • Keep your data safe and secure

  • - Choose the next generation webcast platform

    Maximise your visibility and engage with the investor community with our next-generation conference call, webinar and webcast solutions, powered by Company Webcast

    Are you looking for a way to communicate with all your investors and other stakeholders around the world simultaneously and efficiently? Our professional webcast and conference call services powered by Company Webcast are the perfect solution.

    Webcasting is a powerful tool to increase your visibility 

    The most impactful way to connect with stakeholders. WEBCAST SOLUTIONS packs in everything you need to engage all your audiences with any content, audio or video.


    Improve your Investor Relations

    Increase the visibility of your financial and business events: Reach out to a targeted audience, worldwide: quarterly earnings calls, press releases, analyst events, Annual General Meetings, Capital Market Days, M&A announcements, etc.

    Increase stakeholder engagement and conversion: Engage your audience with live, personal, interactive webcasts; broaden and monitor the reach and impact of your communication and gather valuable feedback. Extend the reach of your events with on-demand webcast viewing.

    Strengthen your market performance

    Webcasting for investor relations can be a catalyst for strong market performance. Our historical analysis shows that companies which use webcast tend to outperform their peers

    The best experience for your audience

    Easy to use: no need to download a plugin or application to watch the webcast; it works in any browser and on any device

    • Pause and rewind during live broadcasts,
    • Easy navigation through chapters & slides during the replay,
    • Receive maximum engagement with interaction such as polls or live Q&A,
    • Embed the webcast directly in your own website and/or share video fragments

    Benefit from a flexible and qualitative broadcast platform

    Reliable service

    We are a market leader in Investor Relations conference call & webcast services since 2004. We are ISO 27001 certified.

    Intelligent data

    We measure the impact of your Investor Relation events.

    Cutting-edge technology

    Our innovative next generation webcast platform will immediately increase the impact of your Investor Relations webcast.

    European hosting

    As a purely European company we host all our webcasts in Europe, meaning that they are subject to European legislation and standards. 


    A single point of contact for all aspects of your event – conference call, webcast, audiovisual resources and transcript.

    Communicate your ESG strategy

    Company Webcast’s Virtual Roadshows solution combines our cutting-edge webcast technology and studios, allowing management teams to conduct virtual roadshows for IPOs and host digital meetings with staff, investors, equity research analysts and journalists.

    Virtual Roadshows provide an efficient way to communicate with the international investor community without spending management time and money. Ensure broader reach and transparency of your ESG messages while reducing the negative environmental impacts of travel and transport.

    A flexible and bespoke solution

    From simple conference calls up to a full-fledged HD video webcast service with an on-site producer, we can meet all your needs.

    • On-premises webcasts: Choose between video or audio 
    • Conference-call webcasts: Combine conference call and webcast to allow participants to follow slides online

    Online Meetings
  • - Secure your board meetings and streamline your decision-making processes

    iBabs provides a dematerialised and secure board portal solution to corporates and public organisations. It supports governance, efficient decision making-process and secured collaboration at board level and across management teams.

    Secure your boardroom and streamline your decision-making process

    Rely on the highest standards of security

    Our solution is based on the most advanced standards of security and reliability. Our robust infrastructure enables to protect your strategic and confidential information.

    • Entirely security compliant (ISO 27001 & ISO 9001 certified)
    • Servers located in the EU (therefore not subject to USA Freedom Act)
    • Full control of contacts, access and permission
    • Strong and proven track record (over 3,000 clients already using our solution)

    Improve and streamline your governance

    Preparing Board meetings and monitoring key decisions is often a complex and inefficient process. Our solution makes everything a lot more efficient.

    • Secure and centralise confidential documents into a single platform
    • Make sure that key members have the right level of information before taking a strategic decision
    • Reduce the preparation time and increase productivity 
    • Save costs associated to printing, collecting and distributing documents
    • Improve collaboration with board or committee members
    • Follow up and monitor key decisions and action plan

    Professional, convenient and innovative solution

    Professionalise the management of your meetings and decision-making process:

    • Share agenda and document updates intantaneously
    • Track decisions and action steps
    • Annotate documents in a simple way with bookmarks and highlights
    • Automate the production of meeting minutes
    • Search function across all materials and archives 
    • Complete meetings archive always available

    Empowering your ESG with paperless corporate governance

    iBabs is the perfect meeting management tool to support your ESG objectives. Completely paperless and digital board meetings enable a significant reduction of paper consumption, and thereby help equip your company to reduce your environmental impact.

    Our fully ISO-secured e-governance solution promotes the adoption of best practices in terms of good corporate governance, by enabling a more collaborative, secured, efficient and informed decision-making process within boards of directors and executive committees.

    Easy implementation of a cost effective solution to secure your boardroom and streamline your decision making process

    Board of Management
    Board Portal
  • - Save time and comply with the EU Market Abuse Regulation

    Create and maintain an updated digital insider list online, saving considerable time and ensuring compliance with the EU Market Abuse Regulation (MAR). More than 900 listed companies, banks, advisors and law firms already use InsiderLog

    Automate the management of insider lists

    Manage insider lists more rapidly and efficiently

    MAR requirements are both time-consuming and some are technically difficult to comply with if they are managed manually. InsiderLog, the insider list management software, enables you to fully automate every step of the workflow:

    • Collect insider information from insider themselves through a form with required input fields so nothing is missed
    • Save confirmations in a permanent way from insiders outside inbox
    • Send automatic reminders every 24 hours to insiders to complete the required information 
    • Track every change within the insider list 
    • Record every update on the list with the exact time stamps automatically

    Delaying disclosure

    To delay the disclosure of insider information a number of criteria must be met under MAR, and this assessment needs to be documented. InsiderLog guides you through the assessment for every new insider list and records it, in case the financial supervisory authorities would have any questions

    Ensure insider information is stored in the safest way

    The insider list must be kept electronically and be available only for authorised persons. InsiderLog has a two-factor authentication process - to sign in the user will need a password as well as a one time verification code received via SMS

    Notify the authorities

    When the insider information is disclosed you need to notify your local financial authorities. This notification shall include when the insider list was created and who made the decision to create it etc. This information is automatically collected and sent to your local financial authority, so you don’t need to send manual emails.

  • - Streamline your liability registration

    LiabilityLog is a digital liability register that saves you time and ensures your compliance with the Finnish Municipality Act.

    LiabilityLog is already used by over 100 municipal organisations

    Digital liability register

    LiabilityLog meets the requirements of the Municipal Act (410/2015) and complies with the guidelines published by the Association of Finnish Municipalities. We enable the creation of a smooth and orderly operating model between all persons handling the declarations of interest and the audit committee.

    Fully automatic digital process

    Communication between the municipal organisation and the persons required to notify, takes place via automatic e-mail. Notifiers fill in the declarations of interest electronically and the verification and publication of the declarations is carried out from the online tool, without separate reporting.

    With our digital process, complying with the requirements of the Municipality Act feels easy. Authentication is secure and simple with either bank IDs or a mobile certificate.

    Free registry transfer

    To make the transfer of your liability register to LiabilityLog as effortless as possible, we will transfer the information from your current register to our service free of charge. All you have to do is provide us with the current registry information and we will take care of the rest.Smooth, electronic & secureWe manage all the declarations of liabilities from all relevant trustees and officials, smoothly, electronically and securely, allowing you to comply with ease.

  • - Offer secure, anonymous online whistleblowing

    IntegrityLog is an easy online tool that allows safe, anonymous reporting of all potential ethical violations and wrongdoing

    Offer secure online whistleblowing

    Protect your employees and company

    With the implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive, there is a pressing requirement to effectively protect your employees and company.

    IntegrityLog can automate whistleblowing for your company, save you time and ensure you comply, easily and securely. Everything is tailored to the requirements of your specific organisation.

    Secure portal and easy dashboard

    You’ll receive your own unique url for whistleblowing, accessible for both employees and the compliance team. We’ll make sure the process is in line with local guidelines relating to personal data management, and you can choose whether Automatic Alerts (AA’s) are included.

    At every step, you can view a dashboard showing all unconfirmed, expiring and managed actions, so you always know where you are on any case. Download a report anytime to view useful company info relating to the number and type of alerts as well as how many are still being investigated, or are closed.

  • - A dynamic and strategic analysis of your shareholding structure

    Effective investor relations strategies are based on precise knowledge of your shareholders

    A better understanding of your shareholding structure

    A data analysis providing a comprehensive, dynamic and clear vision of your capital structure through several features


    The key partner for your investor relations strategy

    Clarifying the view of your shareholder base is a key strategic element to build a relevant and efficient investor relations strategy:

    • Leveraging on the team's experience and analysis
    • Enriching the shareholder data with international third parties sources. Investigations and cross-referring data is necessary to find out the accurate global picture of the shareholding
    • Delivering an in-depth analysis through a shareholding presentation, a detailed capital table and the full list of Portofolio Managers contact details

    At the very heart of capital markets, a decisive expertise

    Euronext Corporate Services is an ecosystem of experts and professionals. Our Shareholder Analysis team is a strategic, reliable and essential partner for your investor relations journey.

    A tailor-made service

    Shareholder Analysis is a complete support package. The amount and nature of the data in the CSD file require extensive processing.

    The added value of Shareholder Analysis lies in a complete, enriched and detailed analysis. It includes a case-by-case identification of all contacts, regardless of their profile.

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Optimise your listing with a trusted and experienced partner

    Tailor-made IR advisory and market intelligence services to support listed companies seeking to become more active on capital markets

    Post-Listing Advisory is one of the first Euronext Corporate Services initiatives, providing value-added services to issuers since 2015. Our team of advisors assists senior management at listed SMEs, providing advisory and decision-making analytics to deliver on their strategic ambition in the capital markets.

    Size up the full potential of capital markets, and select the best way to leverage it for your business

    Boost your equity storyImplement your IR strategy and set goalsBuild trusted relations with investors


    Identify and diversify your shareholders

    Who are your shareholders? Who are your peers' shareholders? How can you target new investors? Our Advisory team provides you with accurate knowledge about your shareholder base and that of your peers. Our frequent data alerts will also inform you about any institutional moves.

    Monitoring shareholding of companies and industries is key to your IR strategy. We will help you make the most of your listing on capital markets.

    Understand investors' perception and expectations

    We conduct independent perception analysis as the cornerstone of a yearly ‘360° listing diagnostic’. Understanding investors’ expectations, tracking analyst coverage, measuring companies' market reputations, assessing the impact of financial communications and monitoring equity research consensus is key to anticipating market trends, improving your equity story and ultimately making the right decisions to foster your relationships with investors.

    Leverage your listing with market experts

    Our Post-Listing Advisory team has the knowledge and expertise to help you build the IR strategy that's right for your company and to assist you in the day-to-day management of your listing.

    The team's guidance and regular follow-ups (market updates, board reports etc.) support you in your ongoing relationships with investors and help you achieve your financing goals.

    Committed to your listing journey

    Euronext Post-Listing Advisory offers a full range of services and a dedicated team to support your annual listing roadmap (financial and strategic publications; roadshows; financing decisions, etc.):

    • Strategic 360° listing diagnostics
    • Equity story review
    • IR action plan
    • Investor targeting
    • Market and listing analytics monitoring
    • Board level reports

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Display your share price performance and key indicators on your IR website

    Make the most of our range of tools, feeds and data visualisation for your digital communication. Easily embed our web solutions in your IR website to deliver share price performance and better connect with shareholders and investors.

    Implement turnkey solutions on your IR website

    Enrich your website with our plug-and-play interactive solutions and enhance your brand as a listed company with a comprehensive overview of your share price data.


    Ready-to-use solutions to display insights into your financials.

    My Share Price Live gives you full control over your own brand, allowing you to maintain the look and feel of your corporate website. Our user-friendly solutions are fully responsive, whatever device they are viewed on: we make your IR website even more visually appealing.

    Your real-time data, as available in Euronext's trading systems

    Technology is our backbone: our solutions are designed to deliver your share price information with full accuracy and reliability into a true real-time feed.

    We deliver proprietary data direct from Euronext including your own live order book and other exclusive stock data.

    Attracting the attention of the financial community has never been so simple

    Customise the level of detail you want to display

    Share price

    Provide true real-time prices with trading session synthesis

    Interactive chart

    Covering a selection of periods up to 10 years with technical indicators and index comparison mode

    Top of book

    A view of your live order book's last 20 trades (a first in IR communication)


    Give the financial community access to download your key trading data

    Press Release

    Give access to all of your news with upcoming and past events regarding your financials

    Display your data with extreme precision

    Create a fully customised design that suits your business, to optimise your brand perception.

    Display the data of your choice and produce your own analytics by combining them. Make yourself a set of comprehensive overviews of your share price that you can share with your shareholders and investors.

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Your partner to transform ESG challenges into opportunities

    Tailor-made advisory to assist issuers in building the ESG pillar of their equity story to attract new investors and improve the market perception of their sustainable strategy

    In today’s world, where responsible investments are the clear trend, it is more important than ever for issuers to have a strong ESG approach. Our ESG Advisory team supports companies in making sense of investors’ expectations and crafting this into a comprehensive bespoke ESG strategy, based on extensive data collection and analytics.

    ESG Advisory helps you to present your sustainable strategic ambitions to the financing community by:Evaluating non-financial issuesPrioritising and collecting dataEngaging with investors


    ESG: a must have to improve access to capital and avoid activist situations

    Environmental, social and governance principles (ESG) are a set of standards by which a company and its investors can measure the wider impact of its operations and long-term strategy.

    Investors increasingly expect companies to recognise and address, in a responsible way, the short and long-term risks and opportunities in relation to ESG factors that impact long-term value creation. In parallel, Asset Managers have begun changing their investment criteria, incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decision-making, and by supporting the allocation of capital to sustainable initiatives.

    Evaluate non-financial issues

    We do a thorough analysis and audit, but go further than just compliance by providing you with a mapping including risks and opportunities based on ESG issues and market expectations.Deliverables:

    • Compliance and materiality review
    • Governance check
    • ESG reporting assessment (KPIs) and peers benchmarking
    • ESG shareholding risk evaluation
    • ESG perception study

    Prioritise and collect data

    Our comprehensive data and documents collection saves you time. ESG Advisory reinforces or develops your non-financial reporting and helps to set the most appropriate KPIs for your company.Deliverables:

    • Identify priorities at industry and company level
    • Set up a relevant data collection process
    • Meet with rating agencies and disclosure requests
    • Define an ESG dynamic: create messages around an improvement trajectory
    • Reporting as a continuous dialogue

    Engage with investors

    Utilising all of the data collected, our seasoned team of capital markets experts will come with a strategic recommendation to develop the ESG pillar of your equity story, target ESG sensitive funds and Asset Managers, and reinforce your relationship with shareholders.Deliverables:

    • IR action plan
    • Identify key investor contacts
    • Anticipate activist campaigns
    • Catch ESG investment opportunities
    • Measure impacts, collect feedback
    • Thematic non-deal roadshows

    ESG is here to stay

    According to recent research studies, having an ESG relevant strategy is rewarded by financial markets.

    Investors are striving to become more and more responsible, and as a result, their requirements and expectations of issuers are mounting. Issuers must build their own ESG roadmap to engage with investors based on real and measured KPIs. A relevant ESG strategy leverages the right narrative and ensures long-term financing.

    Contact our experienced team today to start structuring your own ESG strategy to engage with your investors.

    Available in the following countries: