Solution and Service providers


You can list and brand your company in adcommodo, with location and contact details and company logo. The company details will be available when user access your company, solution or service profile from a search. The company details will only be visible if you have entered a minimum of one Solution or Service.


Many companies provide valuable Services to companies around the world. The Services can range from implementation services, project management services to specific areas and integration services. Your Services can be listed with us and be related to Solutions already in the adcommodo platform, or other areas which has not found its way to us – yet. As a default, your Service is listed for free in the adcommodo platform.

If your Service is connected to an existing Solution within our platform, your Service can be related to the Solution, so when ever a user is checking the Solution out, your Service will be visible next to the Solution. This feature must be purchased.


When businesses enter the adcommodo platform, they are in search of a business Solution or a specific Service. As a default all entered Solutions and Services are free to list in adcommodo. If you want to be placed higher in searches, you can purchase additional advertising for one or more Solution or Service. Please see our updated pricing list. You don’t have to be the Solution owner to enter a Solution into the adcommodo platform. You can also be a reseller of a Solution.

If you are owner of a Solution or Service, you can encourage existing customers and partners to rate your Solution or Service. The rating will not affect your ranking, but will show business looking for new Solutions or Services that you are a trustworthy company. It is not possible to write a review.

You must register and be validated on email to rate.

Team adcommodo enters many Solutions and Services into the adcommodo platform. The information listed about the Solutions and Services are public information mostly obtained from the Providers official website. We only publish information from official sources.

If you are a Provider and finds your businesses Solutions and/or Services in our platform, then you are able to claim your account. Simply enter the Provider page, and if your account is not claimed it will have an orange star before the company name. If there are no star to be located in front of the name, the account is already claimed, probably from a colleague. If your Provider account is not claimed by someone in your organization, please contact the adcommodo support team, who will help solve this matter as quickly as they can.


If you have resellers locally and/or globally, you can invite them to join in as sellers of your Solution or Service. This will improve your chances in searches, as your Solution or Service will show up more than once in searches. The reseller is able to adopt you listed information on about the Solution, which will save time for the reseller.

The reseller is allowed to rate the Solution or Service, which you as a owner are not able to.


Need new resellers? We can help with this. Set up your Provider profile correct to attract new resellers locally or international. Providers can mark each Solution or Service to attract other Providers to resell their offerings. Providers can also create Search Services, where one can subscribe to a defined list, based on either Country, Industry, Business function or other. Learn more by either signing up or claiming your already existing account.


Looking to resell other Solution or Services. If you have a Provider profile, you can easily get an overview of which offerings that fits well with your own portfolio.


Coming soon: Providers who have specialized technical human resources or other skills like Project Managers or Management consultants can promote them within our platform globally. More to come in 2022.


We would love to help your business even further. Get in touch with us, presenting any ideas you may have, that in the long run can grow your business. Use the contact form to get a hold on us.

Sign Up

Sign up to become a solution or service provider. You can, of course, provide both solutions and services.

Add Solutions and Services

When signed up and approved, you can add as many solutions and services as you offer to the market.

Add Resellers

Add resellers to your solutions, making then even more attractive to potential buyers.


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