- Vesterbrogade 149, 1620 København V, Denmark
- Tel: +4589889660
- support@scrive.com https://www.scrive.com/da/kontakt-salg/
- https://www.scrive.com/
Vi transformere virksomheder ved at tage hånd om tillidsfulde relationerVi skaber bedre kunderejser og hjælper dig med samme.
Om Scrive
Scrive blev grundlagt i 2010 og blev hurtigt Nordens førende e-sign leverandør. I dag har virksomheder fra hele verden tillid til, at Scrive kan hjælpe dem med at automatisere deres onboarding- og aftaleprocesser, med løsninger drevet af elektronisk signatur og identifikation. Som en betroede digitaliseringspartner, vejleder Scrive alle størrelser af virksomheder fra højt regulerede brancher, med deres digitale transformationsrejser: der fremmer kundeoplevelse, sikkerhed, compliance og datakvalitet. Scrive har hovedkvarter i Stockholm, støttes af Vitruvian Partners og har over 200 medarbejdere.
Vores historie
I 2010 udrullede to universitetsvenner en e-signeringstjeneste, så spoken-word artister fra udlandet kunne underskrive eksterne talent-aftaler for deres optræden i Sverige. Vores grundlæggere så hurtigt, at alle virksomheder har brug for underskrevne aftaler, og i 2021 underskrives en tredjedel af alle britiske bilsalg med Scrive.
Hvordan kom vi hertil? Kort sagt, ved at være kundeorienteret: vi lytter, vi forstår, vi reagerer. I erkendelsen af, at signering af en aftale kun er en lille brøkdel af en meget større forretningsproces, fungerer vi som en guide til din digitale transformationsrejse.
Kundeorienteret. Hvem er ikke det?
Hos Scrive udvider vi definitionen af “kunde” til at omfatte både interne og eksterne aktører: abonnenter på vores tjenester, partnere, medarbejdere, kolleger – alle dem som vi interagerer med. Dette kundesyn skaber en kultur af integritet og inklusion og danner grundlaget for vores kerneværdier:
Vi bekymrer os faktisk om vores kunder, både interne og eksterne Vi udfordrer vores kunder, deres markedsopfattelser og best practices Vi forpligter os til at få dig lige præcis derhen du vil Vi samarbejder for at bygge bedre og stærkere kunderejser-
eSign Online
- eSign Online is Scrive’s electronic signature portal.
E-signing is quickly becoming the standard in an increasingly digital world. By adopting electronic signatures into your business processes, you can:
✓ double your document conversion rates✓ cut response times from weeks to minutes✓ kickstart your digital transformation
eSign - How it workseSign Online is Scrive’s online portal. Send, sign and manage your agreements wherever you are, on any device. The entire signing process is a few simple steps.
Log in to the Scrive eSign Online portal and upload your document.
Add signing parties
Enter the contact information of the people who need to receive and sign the agreement.
The document is sent to the signing parties, and you’ll be notified once the signed agreement is securely stored in your archive.
Blockchain-protected integrityScrive uses blockchain technology to guarantee the integrity of your document. First, the document is sealed with a digital signature, then blockchain makes the digital signature verifiable through a permanent public record. This makes it possible to prove that any electronically signed document:
- has not been altered
- is not a forgery
- was created on the precise date and time indicated by the digital signature
Digital SigningDenmarkEnglishOwner -
eSign GO
- Digitalisation without integration.
Legacy systems blocking your digital journey? Need to get there fast? Transform your store network or office now.
Many systems, one solution. eSign GO is a revolutionary system-agnostic solution that gets you where you need to be in one quick leap
As simple as printingSkip paper: print directly to Scrive from any system and instantly gain the benefits of a digital process.Generate document
Generate your agreement as normal, and choose the Scrive printer driver (or plug-in/add-in).
Print to Scrive
Trigger pre-defined sign flow, or manually set workflow options.
Send for signing
Sign document on in-store tablet or send by email or SMS for signing on any device.
Instant POS digitalisationRoll out e-signing to all your stores, skip the IT development investment. Scrive sets up and manages everything for you.
Office automation made easyScrive GO Office: Launch your e-signing workflows directly from your legacy office systems, Word or any document-generating system.
Digital SigningDenmarkEnglishOwner -
Scrive API
- Integrate the full power of eSign in your native systems with Scrive’s winning support team.
Scrive: Where DX* is king*Developer experience: we value it just as much as customer, employee and user experience.
By developers, for developersWe make it easy to tailor Scrive to the way your organisation works.
Getting you thereYour digital journey may be complex, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Scrive’s extensive expertise and experience, together with our culture of continuous innovation and customer focus, are the keys to our customers’ success.
Advanced workflowsOur API for esignature gives you access to Scrive’s growing suite of workflow modules to power your operations.
Digital SigningDenmarkEnglishOwner -
eID Hub
- The fast track for organisations to achieve authentication in all channels.
Access all of Scrive’s identity services with a single integration, using either our dedicated REST API or OpenID Connect.
Building trust onlineWho are your customers? Who can log into your secure services? You need to be certain: security, business risk and compliance demand it. And it needs to happen smoothly, for you as well as your valued customers, partners and employees. eID Hub is how you achieve this: in all your channels, in all your markets.
One platform for all your digital ID needsFor secure logins, KYC checks, onboarding, transaction approvals, signing documents and more, Scrive simplifies your digital identity journey with a single platform that gives you access to a growing suite of identity services. With one contract and one integration interface, you’re ready to start implementing any of them in your own systems and services.
We get you thereA trust service provider since 2010, Scrive understands the demands of security and compliance. And we understand your development needs and challenges. With deep technical expertise and a legal team working at the forefront of a fast-changing regulatory landscape, we have guided organisations of all sizes towards success, including large enterprises in highly-regulated industries.
EnglishDenmarkIdentity ManagementOwner