Ajour System A/S

Build Better Together

Ajour System A/S is a market-leading supplier of intelligent digital solutions developed in cooperation with industry experts and the latest technology. With our solutions, we bring the construction parties together to deliver quality, sustainability with fewer resources, smooth processes, and satisfied customers. 

Today we have more than 4,000 companies and 40,000 daily users of our solutions.

Ajour System is a Danish privately owned company with 36 employees and offices in Denmark, Sweden, Poland, Iceland, and Germany. We are developing and growing fast and have been named a gazelle company several times.

  • - Project Web for document management

    Always at hand. Free to use for everyone.

    AjourBox is a professional project web for version control of documents and drawings for your construction cases. The platform can be used from the initial in the design and execution phase as well as subsequently in operation. AjourBox is web-based, which means that it can be accessed from tablets and phones and ensures that the project parties are always up to date.

    Share drawings and documents on a safe platform

    Web browser, phone, or tablet. Document and file-sharing have never been easier. With AjourBox it is possible to browse and share files anywhere, anytime.

    Rights in AjourBox

    Give all users easy access to the project material. It is easy to assign special rights to companies, so it is possible to control who has access to the contents of the folders.

    A simple overview for the project parties can be ensured by hiding irrelevant or secret material.

    Automatic revision and version control

    Thanks to the automatic revision control, users always open the latest version of all documents, whether the work is being performed on the phone or on the computer.

    Fast BIM-viewer in AjourBox

    See your BIM models in our free built-in viewer. Navigate in the model and see details about your building parts low cut and gather all your model files in one view.

    Create an overview of the model’s information so the right building parts will be found quickly.

    Document Management
    Project Management
  • - Digital quality assurance

    Minimize construction errors with digital quality assurance

    AjourQA is one of the market’s most user-friendly and simple systems for quality assurance performance and photo documentation on construction projects.

    Coherent quality assurance

    AjourQA creates professional quality assurance documentation ready to print or share with the project parties. The system gathers relevant information, and the registration always refers to a location on the drawing. Use the app on the construction site or log in to our platform from the office and attach photos, text, and control plans to the quality assurance registration.

    Built-in inspection schedules

    Reusing control plans ensures consistency in the company’s control plans. It’s easy to get a quality assurance paradigm approved – just print project control plans and share them with project partners. Hereby there is a connection between the planned – and the performed quality assurance.

    A safe start

    For the past 10 years, Ajour System has specialized in quality assurance for the construction industry with relevant digital tools that ensure professional documentation. In addition to simple tools, we also have skilled consultants who ensure that the system is set up and works and that you can adjust the quality assurance templates, checklists, etc. yourself.

    Project Management
    Quality Assurance
  • - Construction management

    Simple construction management and technical inspection

    The many tasks involved in a construction project can be a great challenge to keep up to date with. Therefore, AjourInspect is one of the most used communication tools in the Danish construction industry. For the past 10 years, we have continuously developed the tool to include the management of working days on a construction site.

    Keep track of the construction

    Create registrations on the construction site of the things that need to be documented or repaired. Attach the drawing, photos, and texts to the registration and send them immediately to the relevant party.

    All data is linked to the marking on the drawing. The recipient only sees the registrations they are responsible for accomplishing and responds easily by selecting a new status of the task. The system keeps you updated by sending daily emails of new and existing tasks.

    AjourInspect creates an overview

    Get a quick overview of all the tasks on the project. Search and filter on information easily. Quickly create relevant categories that fit your project.

    Easy project report

    Automatically generate optional reports in PDF Print all or selected registrations including photo documentation, description, and drawing. Simple and fast documentation of the status of the project’s tasks.

    Project Management
    Communication Management
  • - Digital tender management

    Get the prices and host a digital tender, quite simply.

    With AjourTender, the provider gets central control and insight into the company’s tender. Tenderers can easily download the tender material, as well as submit their tenders with attachments directly in AjourTender. The system is designed to obtain prices for large public tenders, but also smaller tenders rounds for general and turnkey contractors.

    Overview and security

    AjourTender gives the tenderer a quick overview of who wants to participate in the tender, who has declined or is not responding. Offers and supplementary files are uploaded and during the offer, you can see who has uploaded offers and who is missing. In short, AjourTender keeps tenderers and bidders informed on an ongoing basis about the tender’s questions, corrective sheets, and incoming prices.

    Free ESPD

    We have integrated the common European Tender Document, the “ESPD”, in our system. The document supports the same languages as the rest of the platform. You are free to apply it regardless of whether you are already a user of the Ajour products.

    Tender Management
  • - Management of operation and maintenance

    Document the operation with a simple handover process

    Prepare digital documentation of operation and maintenance in connection with the handover of the building and for use in the subsequent operation and servicing of the building.

    Easily create and print your building element cards

    Based on an operating database, you adapt your building element cards to the current project and attach relevant datasheets, warranty managers, etc

    The responsible contractors fill in their own building element card, which is subsequently completed and approved by the responsible project manager.

    Quick overview of the status of completed building element maps

    Building component cards are created in an online operating database. The building component cards form the basis of your operating plan, which is used to document the maintenance of your building components so that the warranty is maintained.

    The graphic building element board can be built according to either CCS, SfB, or FVK’s building part structure and gives you a quick overview of the status of completed building element cards.

    Document Management
  • - Free manufacturer BIM objects directly in Revit

    Free BIM object database

    A solution that gives you direct access to all our manufacturer objects from several business partners and building material manufacturers for free.

    Easy access to manufacturer objects

    A solution that gives you direct access to all our manufacturer objects from several business partners and building material manufacturers.

    Direct integration with Autodesk Revit

    We integrate directly with Autodesk Revit, so you never have to leave your drawing program. The objects can be inserted directly from our plugin ribbon.

    Data Integration
  • - Private BIM object Cloud for your organization

    BIM objects in the Cloud

    Gather all the company’s objects in the cloud so they become available for the entire company.Control versions and search for objects by properties directly in Revit.

    Simple search in the object library

    Create a shared library and get easy access to the company’s quality-assured BIM objects. Make lists of relevant objects for different purposes and tasks. It is simple to maintain and manage and increases the quality of the BIM projects.

    We handle all types of Revit objects

    Upload all objects no matter what types you need to share in the organization. AjourObjects is a plug-in for Revit, in which the user can control the access to relevant types of objects in Revit.

    Always quickly to the objects

    AjourObjects ensures that the company’s objects can always be found using the smart search function, where you either search by name, category, or the object’s properties and performance. It ensures lightning-fast workflows.

    Document Management
  • - Your products published on AjourObjects platform

    Easily get your BIM objects out to the designers

    Make your range of products available to designers by publishing them directly into the BIM models, where decisions are made and the next potential order is designed. Should architects, engineers, contractors, and developers use your BIM content for designing? AjourManufacturer is your opportunity to distribute BIM content directly to design teams in the industry via our integrated and free appAjourObjects for Autodesk Revit.

    Be chosen already in the design phase

    AjourManufacturer enables your company to increase your brand’s visibility and availability, build stronger customer relationships and understanding of the industry, as well as be specified in the BIM models early in the design phase. This helps you gain more business and competitive advantages.

    Search for products and properties

    The properties of the BIM objects become searchable – on all your products. Which makes it easy to select your building elements based on the performance of properties that meet the requirements or needs of the designer.

    See who is using your BIM objects

    And exhibit your objects to the designers directly in Autodesk Revit. Our business intelligence gives you insight into who uses your products in the design and where your potential business opportunities are greatest so that you can achieve the best results and ROI in the investment.


    Data Integration
  • - BIM & information management

    Get a full overview of the BIM project

    AjourCollab is an effective collaboration platform that allows you to manage the project’s ICT requirements, manage building element data and create a quick composition of tender lists with quantities. The quality of the BIM model is increased and the sharing of project information between key people and partners is done efficiently.

    ICT and data management

    AjourCollab can handle all types of parameters. A standard set of parameters/properties can be created, which your BIM projects must always include. Now all you have to do is sync in Revit and the project is updated according to the company’s standard setup. The system allows you to fill in values on the properties on our website or in Excel and choose whether the values should be synchronized into Revit or remain on the cloud. You can follow the development in the project stage on an ongoing basis via our project changelog or see how far you are with filling in the values in the properties. It gives everyone an opportunity to get value from the BIM project and gather information in one place – quite simply.

    Building element journal

    Building element journal in AjourCollab gives you an always updated list of the model’s building elements/objects. Here, relevant information can be added to the building elements, and you can see the quantity statement, which contracts are responsible for the export, fire properties, u-values, and the like. The journal can be synchronized to and from the BIM model and buildings elements that are not found in the BIM model can be added. This gives everyone on the project a clear picture of the model and project content, quite simply.

    Tender lists and quantities

    AjourCollab has a core function. You can set up templates that suit your needs, eg. general contractor. All the building elements from the model and the manually created records are exported to an Excel file, with or without quantities in the selected sort.

    The system allows you to continuously pull out quotation lists, depending on how the project is offered. The tender lists are exported and can be used in many other areas, such as doors and window schemes and the like. It saves a lot of time and ensures quality in terms of that everything in the project is priced and that changes are continuously made to the register.

    Whitelist Concept

    We have integrated AjourObjects in AjourCollab. Here you can select the objects from your building element database in AjourObjects, both the free and the private cloud version that you want to use in your new project.

    With Ajour´s Whitelist Concept you optimize the quality of your models and save a lot of time.


    AjourCollab is one of the first on the market to handle all the building elements, with associated quantities, and export them for the LCA calculation. The sustainability employee decides himself how the quantities are to be calculated in the project. Through our export function, a file can be saved and loaded into LCAbyg, where the LCA calculation is made according to normal procedures. It provides an efficient and agile process that saves time for everyone on the project.

    Information Management