Formpipe Software A/S

Why Formpipe

We transform your business to take you into the future. Our highly skilled team and premium software are here to prove it. We build valuable relationships between data and people to realize your imagination. 

The perfect combination. Your reliable partner.

We offer the perfect combination between extensive experience and innovation. As a mid-sized company, we are fast moving but with a stability to be a reliable partner in an ever-changing digital landscape. 

We see data growth as an opportunity, security as part of our DNA and new requirements as part of our everyday work. Through our premium software and close collaboration with our customers and partners, we offer a broad range of out of the box solutions for utilizing data smarter and more efficient. 

Experience and innovation. At all times.

Formpipe have over 5500 customers across industries worldwide and a regional market focus within the public sector. We know information management through all steps: when it's created, preserved and utilized by the business. 

As regulatory requirements add complexity alongside an exponential data growth, we act as a go-to vendor for simplicity.

We have cutting edge plug-ins to ERP systems such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 and SAP. We've got multiple suites for a fully digitised public administration, cloud or on premise. Not to mention the finer details such as preserving information for generations to come and to get (and stay) GDPR compliant. Oh, then there's the automation of some of the world's most complex grants management processes. Well, you get the picture.

A valuable relationship between us

If you would bump in to one of us, we'd often say that Formpipe is unique. But what differs us from our competitors? We understand that in this competitive landscape, we have an obligation to prove why you should collaborate with us.

However, we know that Formpipe is not for everyone. We are to be considered a niche company with a broad portfolio. In other words, what we do, we do so at an enviably high standard. We are experts at the challenges we solve and will not claim to know more than that. 

With curiosity in our back bone we are good listeners. It is what fuels our constant renewal and widens our expertise over time. When we talk about imagination, we talk about listening and learning, challenging and inspiring. 

That's why we emphasise the importance of our customers as an integral part of our success. It's within our partnership that we can develop software that builds valuable relationships between data and people. 

  • - Digital, sikker og enkel signering

    Elektronisk signatur - Signeringsportalen

    Underskriv dine dokumenter på få minutter med Signeringsportalen.

    Få en brugervenlig løsning til avancerede elektroniske signaturer med Signeringsportalen. 

    Muligheden for at kunne underskrive dokumenter digitalt er en hurtig og miljøvenlig måde at frigøre tid på i hverdagen.

    Derudover garanterer Signeringsportalen, at underskrifterne er juridisk gyldige, og at oplysningerne kan valideres og arkiveres i lang tid fremover

    Alt sammen helt fri for blæk.

    Digital Signing
  • - Document Solutions You Can Bank On

    Autoform DM is a flexible and powerful digital archive that sits at the heart of the Formpipe product suite. Its strength lies in its speed, simplicity and connectivity, bringing you enterprise-level performance and features without the overheads, giving you more time to focus on your customers and products and not your infrastructure.

    Highly versatile archiving for cutting edge applications

    Our APIs provide fast and secure access to files across different platforms and 3rd party applications, whether it is industry-leading banking software or corporate ERP solutions, we can integrate with just about any system or migrate data away from antiquated incumbents.

    Security & Availability

    With hybrid document encryption, LDAP integration, a customisable audit trail and regular software updates, Autoform DM ensures reliability and security without compromise. Additionally, Autoform DM can also be clustered to help ensure uninterrupted access to documents around the clock for businesses of any size.

    Our Autoform DM teamwork to ISO 27001 standards to ensure that hardware, systems, processes and services are all tightly regulated. This, in turn, ensures the quality and consistency of our service provision to you as a partner or end customer.

    Quick & easy to administer & manage

    With rapid and automatable deployment on-premise, in the cloud or as SaaS, your business can be storing and retrieving customer documents within hours, not days. Easily package up and export your Autoform DM system configuration and roll it out to quickly bring new features or changes to your existing environments or create new ‘ready configured’ servers.

    We Scale with You

    It doesn't matter how big (or small) you are, Autoform DM can be rapidly tailored to suit your exact needs. As you grow, we can grow with you, making sure you've always got the processing power and speed you need to reach all of your customers when they need it.

    Easy to Manage

    Centralised administration, with a clean and modern UI, makes Autoform DM straightforward to use and manage, whether you have a single server or an entire cluster spanning multiple locations.

    Instant Access

    Working in harmony with Lasernet (as well as other system output), every generated document can be automatically indexed and stored as a PDF or PDF/A file, giving you original version-controlled copies, which are immediately accessible via our API integrations or our own archive front end. With Autoform DM, staff, customers or suppliers can always get access to the information they need, when they need it.

  • - Creation and distribution of documents for any ERP

    Formpipe’s Lasernet connector for Dynamics 365 Business Central is the ultimate report and document creation tool for your company or organisation.

    Using our award-winning document composition tools along with our unique integrations inside Business Central itself, we give you power to easily create, manage and distribute perfectly branded, formatted and finished documentation across any channel.

    Communication made simple

    The Lasernet interface gives you the ultimate flexibility when configuring your output destinations, all with with absolutely no coding. 

    You can set up predefined destinations to streamline and simplify workflows for your users, or to ensure that your data / documents are delivered according to your customers requirements. Whatever you choose, we bring those options into the Business Central interface so you can send your documents at the click of a button.

    Customisation: bringing your documents to life

    Quickly create or refresh your business documents using our easy-to-use design tools.

    Changing logos, incorporating marketing messages and updating the general look and feel of your invoices, forms, reports or communications has never been easier or faster using the Lasernet Connector for Business Central.

    Keep all of your documents 'on-brand' and looking exactly as you want them.

    Document Management
  • - Take your ECM-system to whole new heights.

    Data and people

    To ensure efficient digitisation of documents and records management within your organisation, you need to have complete control of correct record-keeping and data management.

    With Acadre, we provide efficient digitisation, correct record-keeping and control of your data. All of this will enable you to reap the digital benefits of EDRM workflows and send data throughout your organisation, to other systems, organisations and private individuals – with peace of mind every single time.

    Cluttering up your processes will clutter up your results

    There was a time when electronic records and document management was mostly about getting documents filed in the EDRM system. If you ever got this far, that is. We’ve taken a few more steps since then. We’ve done away with aimless, random record-keeping and EDRM systems designed to meet past needs. Because aimless, unstructured creation of documents and projects will pose enormous challenges far into the future.

    Just think of the new framework architecture, in which relevant data is shared across an organisation, where private individuals can participate in their own case management and where data can flow unhindered from one system to another. The fundamental assumption is that if you clutter up your processes, you will clutter up your results.

    Now it is time to take the next big step in electronic records and document management. There are significant digital gains to be had in the types of data being entered into an EDRM system. We would like to help you reap these benefits.

    Do you want Denmark’s leading EDRM system to future-proof your organisation?

    From now on, it will be crucial to make smarter use of data’s intrinsic value. Your EDRM system must efficiently support all workflows and enable integration into your technical systems.

    Acadre provides a flexible, modern and modular EDRM system based on twenty years of expertise and close cooperation with our customers to address their specific needs and requirements for an EDRM system.

    You decide how we should spend our time

    At Formpipe we are familiar with our customers and their needs, challenges, expectations and preferences. Acadre was developed over the past twenty years in close cooperation with our customers because they are brilliant at knowing how an EDRM system must function and its precise capabilities. We are not afraid to listen and learn more – we know that we achieve the most together.

    Acadre is customised to meet the needs of municipalities and other large public organisations. It is our customers who determine the solution’s flows and features, and it is we who keep the solution constantly up to date with the latest demands and needs. As a matter of course, this enables you to exert very specific influence on what your money is spent on, and how we spend our time.

    Acadre gives you the following:

    • User-friendly, intuitive and flexible design
    • A technological frontrunner – born into your framework architecture
    • Transparent pricing model: you are spoiled for choices with the largest range of functional modules and integration options in the market
    • User involvement: close cooperation on developing the solution and adapting it to your daily routines
    • Data security throughout your organisation
    • Active assistance in setting up cases and documents with the correct metadata

    Nudging heightens the quality of your work

    Acadre is a flexible, modular EDRM system that provides an intuitive, user-friendly design for case processing from all mobile devices. Acadre is specifically geared for the multifaceted tasks of the public sector. The highly flexible system is adaptable to the specific needs and preferences within each organization, department or entity.

    We focus our efforts on heightening our customers’ data quality by introducing the concept of nudging into the solution, but also by automating trivial tasks in the important record-keeping process. Acadre’s intuitive design and clever features prompt users to create cases and documents correctly as a matter of course. The solution automatically applies the correct record-keeping codes and other metadata to the specific cases and documents.

    Acadre is undisputedly the best EDRM solution on the market for everything from usability and integration with framework architecture to its abundance of customization and functionality options. 

    To reap the benefits of EDRM digitisation, your organisation cannot suffice with IT solutions based on yesterday’s needs. Nowadays, case management and record-keeping are disciplines that require focused attention and extensive technological help. Why settle for second-best when the best solution is already available, tried and tested?

    Content Management System (CMS)
  • - Ensure automatic GDPR compliance & data quality

    Adoxa is your digital assistant that helps ensure automatic GDPR compliance and high data quality. Making sure that your organization have reliable data.

    With Adoxa, your business will always be GDPR compliant. It automatically and continuously searches for personally sensitive information and corrects unwanted conditions in your organization's data.

    Does your organization have control and order of the data?

    Take control of your data

    Adoxa is your digital assistant to ensure high data quality and GDPR compliance across all systems and data sources. It ensures thorough cleaning of your existing data (including what you didn't know you had lying around) - and just like an effective robotic vacuum cleaner, will ensure that all data - now and in the future - meets the organization's and society's ongoing data requirements.

    Adoxa continuously scans your desired data sources - locally and in the cloud. In an easy-to-use dashboard. Each employee is alerted to data challenges and at the same time given the opportunity to rectify the situation with a single click. It sounds easy - so be it. Adoxa helps you move, clean and delete data based on the rules you set in the solution. Adoxa reduces the risk of human error. At the same time, your data controllers and management will gain continuous insight into the overall quality of data through Adoxa's integrated BI tool. It provides an opportunity to work where the need is greatest and to make decisions on an informed basis. At the same time, it ensures that the task of ensuring high data quality is rooted in management and creates value for the entire organization.

    Adoxa involves employees

    There is no management that has time to monitor its employees and ensure that they always comply with GDPR legislation. Therefore, it is often the individual employee's responsibility to take care of it.

    This is where Adoxa comes into the picture - as the GDPR solution involves the individual employee and ensures that they regularly send out notices that their own computer needs to be cleaned up.

    Adoxa thus helps in the hectic everyday life and makes it easy and clear for the individual employee to clean. In this way, it also contributes to the internal rules on where, what and how data is to be stored, which also comply with GDPR legislation.

    Compliance & Audit
  • - Streamline your building projects.

    What do you get?

    Rome wasn’t built in a day. We probably couldn’t have either. On the other hand, our ATOM solution would have made the process a lot more efficient. ATOM ensures quick and easy handling of your municipality’s technical and environmental projects.

    Building projects involve more than just the size of a neighbour’s carport

    Many of us interact with our municipality’s technical and environmental department at one point during our lives. This could be to get approval for an extension to our house, a new carport or to hear the dimensions of our neighbour’s new shed. Thousands of people depend on speedy, efficient processing of building projects. Cases should preferably be processed simply and efficiently.

    Needless to say, it is not only the private individual who is keenly interested in having his/her building project and his/her neighbour’s building project processed quickly and efficiently. As a society, we too are keenly interested in the sound, efficient management of environmental matters.

    Both aspects are vital to the continued improvement of Denmark’s urban development and infrastructure. This is also why it is essential that the digital assistance for this crucial aspect of the municipality’s tasks is the best possible to facilitate case processing for private individuals, businesses and society.


    Formpipe has developed a solution that supports the case processing in the technical and environmental area of municipal administration. The solution efficiently assists case officers in completing their entire workflow from project start-up to resolution. We call our solution ATOM. It can be integrated into many of the systems required by case management. In so doing, most of the work can be done within the same solution without having to move documents and projects back and forth unnecessarily.

    The solution was developed in ongoing cooperation with our customers, which is why all functionality is adapted to the specific workflows and needs of our customers – and as required by law. In close dialogue with our professional User Club, the solution is continuously being expanded and developed when new needs arise and as new digital opportunities become available.

    The solution provides you with a comprehensive functionality catalogue. ATOM offers you both technically specific functionality for handling your areas, but also complete EDRM support. ATOM was designed for the Acadre universe, but it can also be connected to other EDRM (electronic documents and records management) systems. As an ATOM user, you gain access to all the other applications available from Acadre. This is what is known as a win-win situation.

    So what is ATOM really?

    ATOM provides the following smart features:

    • close integration with BOM software
    • automatic case creation
    • easy recording of time spent on cases and, if necessary, invoicing
    • cases can be localised through close GIS integration
    • demands for payment can be sent to the municipality’s financial system
    • overview of deadlines and progress in a case-management dashboard
    • email delivery via integration with e-Boks digital mail delivery via e-Box integration

    The list is not exhaustive and is continuously being enhanced with new functionality. We give priority to ensuring that it is the professional users who determine the solution’s contents. This means that features such as roadmaps and priorities are entrusted to our users. In our view, this is the best way to create the market’s most efficient, custom-designed solution for the technical and environmental area of public administration.

    Business Process Management
    Public Organizations & Government
  • - Designed for legal professionals

    Full featured Document Management in SharePoint

    Contentworker is a Microsoft based document management system, ideally positioned as the content hub of any Microsoft 365 strategy.

    Contentworker provides powerful context centric workspaces for any information and enhances the Microsoft 365 investment and utilisation in any document and email intensive environment.

    Documents and emails are stored and accessed together with other key matter or project information such as calendar, contacts, tasks, discussion boards to name a few – all available within the configurable matter workspaces in Contentworker DMS for SharePoint.

    Available as On-premise or up in the Cloud

    Contentworker is available both as an on-premise and private cloud (SaaS).

    Whether you are looking for a subscription-based Cloud solution or a traditional On-Premise implementation, Contentworker is ideally suited for small to very large implementations. Lawfirms, financial institutions and other professional services organizations all over the world have found Contentworker ideally suited for their document and email management needs, where you manage, work and share your information in intuitive matter/project workspaces.

    Intuitive and easy to use

    Contentworker Document Management runs directly in SharePoint which means that Contentworker DMS has naturally strong integration with Office and Outlook.

    The users will understand the intuitive and easy-to-use SharePoint interface right away. This minimizes the training needs required for your users to get started using Contentworker DMS.

    Powerful Email Management

    Emails are a vital part of any organisation's unstructured content, so email management is a critical part of any document management system.

    Contentworker Document Management delivers extensive email management functionality with Contentworker Email Filing.

    What you get

    Contentworker gives the legal professional full-featured Document Management in SharePoint. The features in Contentworker consist of the following:

    Automatic metadata tagging – All documents, emails and other content are automatically tagged with metadata information from the client, matter, counterparties etc. This makes it easy for users to find the correct information and always see what it relates to and where it is stored.

    Powerful and intuitive security – Security is easy to assign and control. Users can secure individual documents or entire matters. Security templates can be used to set default security based on the practice area or matter type to create ethical walls.

    Calendaring/docketing and tasks – Contentworker can manage matter or document related calendar events, tasks and reminders. Calendars and tasks can be viewed from within Microsoft Outlook. Automated reminders can be sent to users via email.

    Outlook toolbar – Contentworker Document Management integrates its own Toolbar within Outlook that gives users an easy way to file emails or attachments from within Outlook. Bulk filing is easily managed by creating synchronized folders in Outlook to the matter, saving all emails placed in the folder into the matter workspace in Contentworker.

    Powerful search – With automatic metadata assignment, the powerful search engine of Microsoft SharePoint with search refiners, Contentworker Document Management makes it easy for users to find the correct information. You can save and reuse your most used searches for quick retrieval.

    Subscriptions and navigation – Users can subscribe to matters by adding them to a list of favourites or as tabs for quick access and navigation. A tree-view can also be used to navigate favourites.

    Easy access to recent matters and documents – Contentworker Document Management tracks your recently used matters and documents, providing users with quick access to recently used information.

    Also available for OpenText eDOCS – Contentworker Document Management eDOCS Edition delivers an easy-to-use matter-centric SharePoint interface to the OpenText eDOCS repository.

    Document Management
  • - Transferring files to the Danish National Archives

    What do you get?

    Transferring records to public archives can be both costly and slow, as is usually the case with tasks that just have to be done. Sound familiar? Nevertheless, this legal requirement must be respected, of course.

    So why make it more complicated than absolutely necessary? At Formpipe, we have the market’s sturdiest, most efficient and tried-and-tested ‘machine’ for transferring records to public archives.

    Archiving isn’t only for archaeologists

    In Denmark, there are strict requirements for how public organisations manage and archive their rapidly increasing volumes of data. Public authorities are obliged to transfer records/data worthy of preservation from their EDRM systems to a public archive. Data worthy of preservation usually range from documents such as decisions, rulings, calculations and various audio and image files that belong to a case record.

    Whereas national authorities are obliged to transfer data records to the National Archives, municipal authorities have two options: transferring records to the National Archives or to a local archive – also called a section 7 archive.

    Do you wonder why perhaps? We need to do this to secure data for the future. Not only so that archaeologists of the future can unearth information about prehistoric societies. But also so that we can delve into data in the near future and shed new light on them if necessary. The keener focus on data security and new GDPR rules also increases the need to transfer data to archives.

    This places great demands on having insight into the case and document management systems, public records legislation and conversion tools that are used to transfer the data in the correct format, at the right time and, of course, at the right price.

    Over the past decade, we of Formpipe have developed and refined our method of transferring records to the National Archives and other public records. Every year, we help a wide variety of organisations to achieve their data transfer projects. We base our methods on an efficient three-stage rocket process and a solid conversion engine that has extracted virtually all the manual labour from our customers’ transfer projects.

    Our three-stage rocket handles it for you

    Transferring records to the National Archives isn’t rocket science. But it is a long process that can cost blood, sweat and tears – or rather duplicated processes, long working days and taking focus away from things that probably matter more. Efficient transfer projects require insight, experience and competence. Which we have. In fact, we have such an abundance that we call ourselves experts in our field. When we help our customers achieve their goal of transferring records to a public archive, we do so using our well-developed, tried-and-tested three-stage rocket. We call it this, of course, because the transfer process has three stages. Let’s quickly run them through for you.

    To get ready for ‘lift-off’, you have to complete stage one – which we call ‘preliminary analysis’ because this is where we extract and analyse data and establish the framework for the specific transfer.

    Now, you are ready for the second stage of the process. We call this the ‘standard transfer’. In this stage, data worthy of preservation are converted into TIFF format and audio and image files are converted into MPEG4 format. For this stage, we use our conversion engine to efficiently convert the data. Concurrent to this, we conduct ADA tests of the converted data. ADA is the Danish National Archives’ testing program for approving the versions of files to be archived. At the same time, we convert and test files to significantly shorten the project period to accelerate your preparations for a moon landing.

    Transferring data in the correct format within a foreseeable period of time imposes great demands on the conversion tools. Over the past decade, Formpipe has developed and optimised a conversion engine that can process large volumes of data and ensure high-quality conversion. Once all the data are converted and the provision governing the transfer has been agreed between customer and archive, an archive version is created. Which brings us to the third and final stage of our rocket. Can you see the launchpad?

    In stage three – ‘approval at the archives’ – the archive version is transferred to a disc which is delivered to the National Archives or a local section 7 archive. The archive conducts a test and approves the transfer if everything is up to scratch. It usually is.

    3, 2, 1 – READY FOR LIFT-OFF!

    In fact, it doesn’t have to be more difficult than that. Best of all, we do it all for you. All you have to do is give us access to the data that needs to archived – we take care of the rest.

    Do you want our team to help you land on the moon?

    A transfer project is a process that requires procedural knowledge of the EDRM system and knowledge of archives’ requirements for transfers. This also includes the technical task of converting, testing and creating the archival version.

    Formpipe has set up a permanent team of project managers, consultants and developers who carry out the projects and continuously develop our conversion engine.

    At the time of writing, there are more than 600 convertible types of files and, as the conversion engine is continuously being developed, the number is rising. Vast amounts of data cannot be converted without running into conversion problems, however. These can be caused by emails with embedded files, zip files, large spreadsheets or encrypted files. For our most recent transfer, the error rate was a mere 0.0287% out of 4.3 million documents. This is quite a low error rate and the receiving archive (Danish National Archives) approved the transfer right away.

    In short, do you want to future-proof your transfer projects and prepare for a moon landing? Then we have just the solution you need.

    Data Migration
  • - Digitising every aspect of your fund work..

    Freeing up time to make a difference

    In Denmark, our fund landscape is differentiated and steeped in tradition. Funds are instrumental for the development of society within a multitude of parameters: science, culture, social services, nature, the environment and everything in between. The common purpose of all the funds is to make a difference – for the world, for society and for the individual.

    Managing the reams of applications received each year by Denmark’s more than 10,000 funds requires efficiency, reliability and transparency. To unleash a fund’s full potential and future-proof a fund’s work, Formpipe provides a complete digital platform for managing its tasks. From application to grant. From fund to individual.

    The future is digital – and so is fund work. Digital fund management ensures transparency, efficiency, data security and synergy between the applicant and the fund’s staff.

    Why digitise?

    Funds receive increasing numbers of applications each year. Some result in grants, others do not. Grant or no grant, all applications have to be processed, archived and subsequently deleted. This requires an increasing amount of personal data that needs to be thoroughly processed. At least according to all the applicable rules, legal requirements and the fund’s own practices.

    Digitisation is crucial in light of stricter requirements for processing, archiving and storing data from applicants. Digitisation helps process large amounts of data and ensure effective compliance with GDPR legislation, etc. At the same time, the task of allocating grants imposes high demands on transparency and comprehensive financial management of the fund’s work.

    Efficient, flexible and digital processes

    The ultimate aim of allocating funds is to make an effective and purposeful difference to the recipients. At the same time, we must remember to make it as easy as possible for all participants in the process – applicant, project worker and decision-maker. Fortunately, their efforts are facilitated by the same factors:  efficient, flexible and digital processes. Which is exactly what you get with FAS.

    FAS means you are getting twenty years of experience in supporting organisations in their efforts to manage large amounts of data and disburse funds to applicants. We make sure that allocating funds is easy and efficient, and we infuse transparency throughout the process.

    Synergy and transparency for everyone

    FAS is made up of three portals: for applicants, project employees and administrators respectively. Each portal is tailored to the separate target groups in terms of functionality, appearance and usability. To applicants, the keywords are simplicity and overview. To project employees and administrators, these keywords are enhanced with efficiency and flexibility. Key for all target groups is the desire for synergy and transparency.

    We know that it must be easy and effective for applicants to apply for funding. This is done through the intuitive application portal, accessed directly from the foundation’s website, which instructively guides applicants through the process. A complete, validated application is the entire basis for your further work. During the application process, the applicant can communicate with you easily and securely, if necessary. Of course, the process must also be easy and effective for you once you receive an application. We make sure the system targets the respective tasks and responsibilities of your project staff.

    Finally, it must be easy and efficient for decision-makers who are only sporadic users of the systems. They get a targeted, intuitive executive board module that makes it easy for them to perform their role in the process. FAS supports your individual needs for tasks such as ongoing financial follow-up, impact surveys and management reporting. GDPR is supported throughout the process.

    FAS contains many of the common integrations used across Danish society. Also, framework supervision and financial management are integral elements of FAS.

    Business Process Management
  • - Security through digital meeting management.

    Accelerates the meeting process

    Let Meetings Plus simplify your meeting management. It streamlines your workflow of issuing meeting notices, agendas, documentation and minutes. It saves time for committee secretaries, it is easy to use for politicians and it is accessible to citizens. Eliminating the use of paper substantially reduces expenditures.

    Simplify and streamline your meeting management

    Political meetings and conferences involve a large number of matters being considered for decision-making. We see a clear trend in which politicians have less time for making decisions but must make them faster than previously. This places greater demands on administrators to keep up with preparatory work before the meetings. Tasks that long been deemed very time-consuming.

    Not only is the volume of preparatory work for each meeting on the rise, but the general public is crying out for more policymaking transparency in their local and regional governments. All these factors prompt an important question: how do we streamline our meeting management?

    An efficient management solution

    Formpipe has a solution for digitised, automated management of notices, agendas, documentation and minutes. Meetings Plus is customized and optimized according to three important perspectives: the administrator, the meeting participant and the private individual.

    The application is easy to integrate into our products for document and case management: W3D3 and Platina. This minimizes additional work for the meeting administrator when documents have to be published and distributed. The simplicity of sharing and discussing comments within the app facilitates collaboration among meeting participants. Private individuals can monitor specific keywords or monitor decision-making bodies and consult documents as soon as they are published.

    What is Meetings Plus?

    Meetings Plus is an ideal solution for anyone seeking to upgrade his/her digital meeting management. The application is attractive because it meets the needs of both the meeting participant and the administrator. It is designed for use by everyone and provides the best user experience possible.

    Meetings Plus is a platform-independent product. We offer a web version designed for both private individuals and meeting participants, as well as an app that is compatible with iOS for iPad, Android OS and Windows 10 (tablet and computer). Within the app, the user can access enhanced security to be able to read classified information as well as share notes and comments with party colleagues.

    Upgrade your meetings today with digital meeting management from Formpipe.

    Meeting Management
  • - Digital Data Preservation Made Simple

    The offer

    Creative thinking brings Long-Term Archive to the forefront of digital data preservation. We're not limiting ourselves to archiving, we're cutting costs, ensuring compliance and setting data free from the prisons that are legacy systems.

    Data, data everywhere

    Data is fascinating stuff and globally we are being forced to create more and more until we have so much that we are no longer able to effectively store and process it. Sound familiar?

    Looking back, someone somewhere within your organisation probably signed up to the latest piece of software, left it running in the background and ticked a box to say archiving had been ‘dealt with’. Fast forward to now and that system is costing a fortune to maintain and no longer meets today's requirements.

    Technology has moved on but your data is frozen in time. The data stored is trapped and cannot be searched, retrieved and presented in its required format in a timely and comprehensive manner.

    Moving to another solution may seem like attempting to achieve the impossible but change needs to happen to unleash the power of your data and achieve internal and regulatory compliance.

    Don't worry, we'll do it

    Imagine Long-Term Archive as a giant data sponge that has the ability to absorb the data from your current solution and hold it in one place. Once inside, it's quick and easy to manage the data as documents and objects can be searched, located and retrieved at the click of a button.

    For those considering change, moving systems is a daunting task. With our minimum effort ingestion approach, we minimise this by streamlining your migration and guaranteeing your data security from day one. Our proven approach breaks the task down into chunks and brings the ability to accept various system outputs, completing the process over time. You are left with a fully compliant solution that fits your needs, bringing together disparate systems into one single, easy to use, future-proof platform.

    A single platform and peace of mind

    Long-Term Archive by Formpipe is a digital data preservation platform that follows best practice guidelines of the OAIS methodology and ISO 14721 & 15489 to ensure organisations are storing human-readable documents, objects and data for the long term (50 years' +).

    Our team is experienced at adding value to long term data preservation projects by introducing methods that will ensure access security, reduce search and retrieval times and save your organisation money. For further information regarding digital preservation, please visit our guide. 

    You choose how your data is stored, whether it is in a known preservation format, its native format or both. When you no longer need it, you can simply perform a controlled deletion, saving even more money by freeing up space taken up with what is no longer needed.

    Whatever your current situation is, we are sure we can help. Now is the time to take your data our of its prison and let your users enjoy the benefits of its freedom.

  • - Upload any document, in any format.

    Remove the pain of data extraction

    Whether it’s scribblings on paper, any electronic file format, or a mixture of both, Lasernet for Input Management can receive, read, validate and upload your documents with ease.

    You've received the information. Now what do you need to do?

    Every day we receive more and more information, but whether it's on a piece of paper or in an electronic file, inputting the details and sending them on to step two is no easy task.

    For decades organisations have been employing full teams of data entry personnel to input data manually. This is not just expensive in wages and office space, but as humans we all make mistakes, and we all know that mistakes cost. 

    The information is of no use sat in an in-tray waiting to be processed. In order to achieve maximum efficiency, the information within the document needs to start its processing journey the moment it enters the building. In whatever format that is.

    No one likes repeating themselves

    Not only is manual data entry error-prone, but it is also often needed to be replicated across disparate solutions.

    Replication of work is never good for overheads or timescales, so why let it happen?

    Lasernet acts as a big brother, sat in the background keeping a careful eye on what's happening. When a document arrives in a monitored folder, it springs into action and the process begins. 

    We don't discriminate against any document

    Whatever the format, Lasernet will import the data into your ERP solution.

    If it's handwritten, we can use advanced OCR technology to add a template and extract the data. For electronic files, the data is captured using a template; these templates are defined by the person who knows your requirements the best. That person is you.

    With the data now securely captured in an electronic file, it can be set free to glide through the validation and approval procedures before it arrives as a XML / TXT / CSV file and input into your ERP solution without human intervention. 

    If you're looking for an input management solution that can process any document format, look no further.

    Document Input Management
  • - Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementations

    Supporting data migration and Microsoft Dynamics 365 implementations.

    Lasernet Vault365 combines two of our products to create one solution. Let us show you the power of when two become one.

    No more excess data baggage

    Whether you’re migrating data from your current solution (or even solutions) to Dynamics 365 or are upgrading from AX, it’s essential that only the data you need comes with you.

    Carrying dead wood is not only a pointless exercise, but over time the storage of that dead wood will become extremely expensive.

    Imagine the data you no longer need has been moved safely by people in white gloves and locked away in a vault where you can supply a key to those who may need future access. All your required data has been placed in your shiny new ERP solution, where it will be enabling your organization to reap the benefits of such a solution. Which is why you bought it in the first place.

    We all crave a dynamic lifestyle

    Powered by Azure, Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a market-leading Cloud-based ERP solution. As part of Microsoft’s Azure-based 365 family of cloud solutions, the solution is quickly gaining the lion’s share of the market due to its rich function set, range of configuration and for being fully cloud-based.

    Almost all Dynamics projects involve data and documents being migrated from an existing ERP, this can be a third-party system such as SAP or Oracle, but is more commonly an on-prem Microsoft system such as AX2009, AX2012 or Navision.

    When you perform the migration, you will not need all of your content to be with you when you arrive at Dynamics 365. Some content only needs to be retained so the business can access and view it if and when required. This can be for a number of reasons:

    1. The content is classed as legacy, it is not needed in a day-to-day system
    2. The content doesn’t fit within the configuration of Dynamics 365
    3. The cost implications of moving to Dynamics 365 are inhibitive.

    Such content can prove problematic for an implementation project; it doesn’t fit in the migration plan but needs to be retained and controlled, so dealing with it can put the brakes on the project. If only someone could put it into a vault…

    In comes Lasernet Vault365

    Working with our global Dynamics partners, Formpipe recognized this challenge and utilizing our expert knowledge of ERP data, we developed Lasernet Vault365.

    Lasernet Vault365 is a solution that aids the implementation of Dynamics 365. Data and Documents (content) not required within the Dynamics solution are taken from the source system, and utilising the pre-configured workflow engine in Lasernet, are structured and prepared for ingestion into the Lasernet Vault. Once ingested the content is managed by the digital preservation tools and functions that come as standard, delivering structured data archives where permissions to access, view and download the content are applied.

    Also included are data management rules allowing whole archives or swathes of content to be controlled by data management rules resulting in the ability to have controlled deletions running behind the scenes and removing documents and data that you no longer want to retain. This function removes the chance of holding unwanted content or paying for the storage of invaluable content.

    Safely stored but easily accessible

    Once the Dynamics implementation is complete and live, the connector tool enables a user to be able to view the Vault archives directly from their day-to-day Dynamics 365 interface.

    Allowing them to search historic legacy data as well as content created within Dynamics 365 that also needs to be preserved.

    Lasernet Vault365 ensures your Dynamics solution is implemented with the content you want, removing the need for you to compromise about the migration content. It gives you a safe, controlled and accessible cloud-based location for content that needs to be retained but not live within your Dynamics solution.

    Data Migration
  • - Swedish cloud solution for the public sector.

    Automagical in the cloud

    With OnDemand by Formpipe you and your organization can focus on your core business, while we at Formpipe are responsible for operating servers, monitoring, backup and upgrades. 

    Save time, money and resources with a complete solution

    Formpipe has more than 15 years of experience in delivering to the Swedish public sector and constantly strives to fulfill the needs and demands. With the product expertise that only a product supplier can have, we ensure that your Formpipe services perform optimally.  

    With OnDemand by Formpipe, you buy a complete solution where work improvement, risk analyzes and safety investigations are constantly ongoing. Our management system for information security is certified according to ISO 27001.The setup for OnDemand by Formpipe means high security, availability where our customers save time as well as money. It is scalable and you can adjust the use yourself based on your prerequisites.

    Information secure with automatic upgrade

    OnDemand by Formpipe is delivered from a modern data center in Sweden with round-the-clock-surveillance. Our products can be delivered as cloud services and can be combined with local installations. We handle upgrades when a new version of the product are launched so that you have access to the latest features and news.  

    There is a strong focus on security and we guarantee that your systems are handled in accordance with best practise, where all technicians receive continuous training in information security and GDPR.  

    We know our products and therefore can tailor the offer according to your needs.

    What is OnDemand by Formpipe?

    Ondemand by Formpipe is a cloud service for our products where we are responsible for operation, safety and maintenance while you as a customer have access to your systems and own the information. An easier way to work in a complex technological world. 

    Public Organizations & Government
  • - Unleash the power of information.

    Platina is a case and document management system, created and developed in Sweden for the public sector. Like the element Platinum (Platina in swedish), which is malleable, the product can adapt after your organization needs and demands.

    A platform for e-management

    Let Platina be the core of your organizations case management and make the impossible, possible

    Digitization means in many ways easy accessibility, where most things are just one push of a button away. Managing your affairs as a citizen must therefore go quickly, be simple and of course secure with the opportunity for influence via digital contact channels. This puts a lot of pressure on businesses where order and finding out about cases and documents becomes crucial.

    With the help of Platina, the business can store information in a structured way and in its context, it is a platform for e-management, simple as that.

    Created for and with our users

    At Formpipe we believe in a long-term security and customer collaboration where we together can thrive.

    Therefor Platina has a user association that is independent with its own board and is run by users, that’s of course customers of Platina. The purpose is to be able to exchange experiences with each other, but also present suggestions for changes or improvements to the product. We want our document and case management system to facilitate the daily work in the public sector in Sweden. We aim for, together with our users, to create the best possible conditions for our product.

    Collaboration and optimization

    Lay the foundation for better collaboration processes and optimized productivity in your business.

    With a firm foundation, it is easy to get started on eGovernment – a tool that streamlines information management and encourages collaboration and automated processes.

    The product’s inherent flexibility and customisation potential enable long-term solutions, making it a cost-effective choice for administration entities. To be successful, it is essential to find solutions and processes that meet the operations’ main needs. Platina can do the following:

    1. Create unified processes to increase employee efficiency;
    2. Optimize operations by analysing processes in real-time;
    3. Mitigate risks, thanks to standardised procedures and policies in the processes;
    4. Provide full traceability at all stages and quality-assure your processes.

    What is Platina?

    Platina is a product and platform that enables operations to fully digitize their information flows. It is a platform with tools to provide unbroken chains of the digitized document and case management in the public sector. Platina guides information and data to the right designated employee and stakeholder.

    Platina is a standard product that is adaptable over time and enables you to customize the platform to meet your operations’ needs and requirements. No matter how they are defined today or what they will become tomorrow.

    With the market’s most flexible and powerful process engine for document and case management, Platina offers your operation vast opportunities for unique customization of the standard platform.

    Workflow Management
  • - Compliance & the ability to be configured to work

    Compliance and the ability to be configured to work how you need it to – not only today but also in the future.

    Take control of the compliance challenge

    Complexity, volume and a high number of diverse users call for built-in power and configurability.

    Platina LS delivers enterprise-level capabilities tailored to the Life Science industry regulatory requirements. It enhances employee communication and supports data-driven decision-making. Platina LS also allows personal views within the permission matrix.

    Let Platina LS help you help yourself

    Platina LS offers a single platform solution that provides document, process and training record management to give a complete overview of quality. The Platina LS platform support user bases of up to 30,000 users.

    Some key features

    The six main features in Platina LS consist of the following:

    1. Future-proofed – Powerful tools for the system administrator limit vendor reliance.

    2. Visual reporting – Configurable dashboard and reporting suite.

    3. User adoption – Multi-browser intuitive front end enabling user adoption.

    4. Enterprise platform – A single scalable platform to manage all your ECM and compliance requirements.

    5. Reduces risk – Allows multiple IT systems to be replaced by a single compliant platform.

    6. Scalable solution – Supports up to 30,000 daily users and 4 million documents.

    Compliance & Audit
  • - Build your own e-services directly on W3D3

    Open up your business system

    Are you looking to reduce your manual processes, improve your efficiency and get more open contact areas? Formpipe can promise this – thanks to Portal Bas. Portal Bas is a platform for e-services and a publishing solution that is linked directly to the case management system and automatically records the information.

    Simplified administration

    Many workflows in municipal administrative entities and authorities are clearly routine in nature. Even so, a vast array of manual operations is still required to register documents, input data into systems and allocate cases to the right recipients.

    Many of these operations can be completely automated by its clear support of the eGovernment. Reducing the number of manual registration operations linked to routine workflows can make administrative units more efficient. It also provides for more flexible workflows, increasing the level of service to the general public.

    Reduce manual record-keeping

    Using Portal Bas on your website or intranet links you directly to Platina or W3D3. The result? Manual record-keeping processes can become fully automated. Form-generated data is entered directly and correctly into the case management system. The need for manual registration can be eliminated altogether.

    Possible areas of use:

    • activities involving a large number of applications: from day-care spaces to scholarships and grants. Users can start up cases automatically or manually using form-generated data;
    • an automated error-reporting process can save time and money. Enable the user to report errors and watch information flow correctly into the system;
    • organisations focused on operation and maintenance can flexibly manage their subcontractors. This will accelerate the reporting process as the information is entered directly into the system.

    What is Portal Bas?

    Portal Bas provides a convenient tool that increases the interaction between private individuals and your entity [or operation?]. Obvious benefits include heightened access and automated workflows. The information submitted ends up directly in the case management system.

    Error reporting, job applications and comment management are a few common areas of use. But don’t be mistaken, Portal Bas is highly flexible and fully adaptable based on the needs of the entity involved.

    Case & Document Management
  • - Regulatory compliance available out-of-the-box

    The simple and effective way of managing quality processes and safeguarding compliance

    Electronic quality management systems should be usable, reflect current regulatory processes and be on a stable technology.

    X-Docs has been built and maintained to those requirements. X-docs delivers the efficiency that can be measured in working time saved and the intangible benefits of allowing the Quality Professional to focus on business improvements rather than administrative tasks.

    Let X-Docs help you help yourself

    X-Docs offers organisations up to 500 users, management modules for Documents, Processes, Training and Equipment, and features powerful reporting and data flow across the platform, with an intuitive dashboard.

    Some key features

    The five main features in X-Docs consist of the following:

    1. Ready to go – Pre-configured workflows and structures.

    2. Easy to configure – Sharepoint tools for simple administration.

    3. Fully compliant – Meets FDA, EU & MHRA regulations.

    4. Powerful reporting – Supports data-driven decisions based on Quality metrics.

    5. Return on investment – Delivers efficiency that outweighs the system investment.

    Compliance & Audit