Orange Cyberdefense

Build a safer digital society.

Orange Cyberdefense is the expert cybersecurity business unit of the Orange Group, providing managed security, managed threat detection & response services to organisations globally.

  • - guide to implementing a solid Zero Trust approach

    In today’s decentralized reality, it has become more complex to protect corporate assets from cyber-attacks. Regulatory, reputational and geopolitical considerations pressure enterprises to safeguard their brands. The increasingly disparate, connect-from-anywhere model and the ongoing digital transformation require a new approach to security.

  • - Applications are the lifeblood of your business

    Application security is the use of software, hardware, and procedural methods to prevent security flaws in applications and protect them from external threats.

  • - Security assessments deal with facts not opinions

    When you need facts about the actual state of your security, our security assessments can help. Whether it’s understanding and emulating what a real threat actor could do in your environment, or a scientific and thorough enumeration of all potential vulnerabilities in an application or network – our SensePost team can help.

  • - Protecting endpoints is key, from critical servers to remote workers’ laptops.

    Endpoint protection has always been important. Today, cloud-adoption, hybrid infrastructures and remote work, increases its importance. The types of endpoints used are more diverse than ever, with increasing shares of non-managed devices. The next generation of workers demands control over their devices. Securing endpoints can be complex.

  • - Do you know where your data is stored? Do you know who has access?

    Protecting data is more important than ever. It is undeniably difficult, with data flows across perimeters, stored and processed by various providers in multiple environments. Data-centric security offers powerful security controls, on top of your network-centric protection.

  • - Flexibility, Reduced risk, Supports BYOD

    Today’s interconnected, mobile-driven world means that clients, employees, and other stakeholders need access to information and business data but allowing remote access to business assets requires the balancing of accessibility & security.

  • - Innovation and tech evolve at dizzying speeds. Digital transformation is no longer optional.

    To realize the full potential of modern technology, organizations must design and build a solid foundation. This includes enabling a mobile workforce, realizing the full potential of cloud services, securely interconnecting industrial environments with traditional IT, etc. It requires secure access, solid protection of data, applications, and identities, and advanced data center and communications infrastructures.

  • - Regardless of how good your security is, there will be incidents.

    Detection, analysis and response processes are critical to minimize business impact. Security intelligence requires advanced technology, skilled personnel, and efficient processes to provide organizations with the desired detection and response capabilities. Such capabilities can be in-house, sourced externally or a combination of both, but they are critical components of any security program.

  • - SASE, a new mindset to address your business transformation

    SASE is a new approach that addresses this challenge and redefines the traditional perimeter: security and network functions are centralized in a close-to-the-user cloud (also known as the edge), allowing simplification and automation.

  • - Cloud is a game changer for your business

    Prepare your cloud security strategy and meet your compliance requirements

  • - Expertise on demand, Cost-effective management, Bespoke tailoring

    Whether preparing for the GDPR or already required to comply with existing directives, organisations face the ongoing challenges presented by becoming and remaining compliant with their regulatory authorities. Assessing requirements to meet compliance standards and performing regular audits of changes to processes or security controls soon becomes overwhelming for compliance officers and supporting staff.

  • - OT, ICS and office IT are increasingly sharing networks.

    Businesses want to realize the potential of remote management, big data and advanced analysis to increase efficiency and capabilities. At the same time, increasing exposure and risk in industrial systems mean not only security challenges, but potentially also safety risks. The type of equipment affected can often pose physical risks to people and infrastructure, if they are not properly protected.

  • - Cost-effective assessments, Protected web estate, Improved security, Access control

    ‘Web’ has become one of the primary attack vectors. Companies offering web services are under attack from SQL-infection or Cross-site scripting attacks. Internal users fall victim to malicious websites or drive-by downloads. The need to defend from web-based attacks is an increasing priority and is set to become even more important as inter-connected, web-enabled devices dominate the landscape.

  • - Security-by-design, Ongoing protection & availability, Real-time alerting, Vulnerability management

    Maintaining a secure network is a complex exercise requiring accurate configuration of security devices as well as ongoing monitoring of the device’s performance. Secure networks also require the ongoing logging of activity and regular testing for threats and exploitable weaknesses as part of a robust vulnerability management program.

  • - Advanced footprinting

    Without knowing where vulnerabilities exist, organisations leave themselves open to multiple attack vectors and unable to prioritise resource or investment in the areas attackers would find the simplest to exploit. Effective, false-positive free, vulnerability discovery is the first step that needs to be taken in any vulnerability management and patching program.

  • - Challenges are endless, but your resources are finite.

    Plans are nothing – planning is everything. 100% security cannot be obtained. This makes the importance of proper planning so critical. Without the right preparation, even the best intentions risk failure. When planning your cybersecurity program, you should have a solid structure with secured resources and optimized use of technology. At the same time, you must have built-in flexibility and readiness to respond to the unexpected.

    Business function

    Area of interest
    IT Security Management

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Look at that wonderful new technology, look at all the possibilities.

    Organizations spend enormous amounts of money on security technology each year. Many do not, however, spend the time and effort required for properly designing and implementing the products. Reasonable security may be obtained, but great security potential remains unavailable for so many.

    Business function

    Area of interest
    IT Security Management

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Stop chasing tickets and fighting fires.

    Let Orange Cyberdefense help you optimize your operations and support for your security technology. Let us help you move from reactive to proactive! Many organizations fail at running their security technology with the diligence and proactivity required. This leads to unwanted downtime, security vulnerabilities, and poor user experience.

    Business function

    Area of interest
    IT Security Management

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Mastering the art of offensive and defensive security

    SensePost have trained thousands of students on the art of network and application exploitation for the past decade. It’s safe to say we enjoy teaching others how to own networks and applications. Our courses are developed from the work we perform for clients, so that you get a better understanding of how to exploit real-world scenarios. As one of Black Hat briefings longstanding training partners, our courses have taught thousands of students about the art of offensive and defensive approaches.

    Business function

    Area of interest
    IT Security Management

    Available in the following countries:

  • - Why is detection and response important?

    A challenge with detection and response is that it has a much higher demand on people and processes. Threat actors are global, work across all time zones and are very skilled. Building up a 24x7 team with competence, infrastructure and processes is very expensive and time consuming.

    Business function

    Area of interest
    IT Security Management

    Available in the following countries: