GetAccept Inc.

Our vision

We aim to be the online solution where every B2B sales happens, in a natural way.

Our mission

We are building the go-to-platform where B2B sellers can interact with their buyers in a personal and engaging way, making business easier and faster.

We believe in the power of relationships and want to bring personal and engaging interactions back to the online sales process.

Why we are here

We believe in the importance of relationships. Traditionally, every business deal was sealed with a handshake between two people. Everything happened in the same place, face to face, and it was very natural and straightforward.

Modern business has now moved online, and while the world thought that digitalization would only speed-up and ease the sales process, it has also created an engagement gap between reps and buyers, making it harder and longer to close deals.

Not only has the length of the B2B buying process increased for themajority of businesses, but a staggering number of their deals end up in the “valley of death.” This is where 60 percent of all offers/quotes are lost due to indecision or simply going unanswered.

We are here to change that, by bringing personal and engaging interactions back to the online sales process.

  • - Create a secure shared space for your business dialogues.

    Share content, collaborate and negotiate with relevant stakeholders for a more engaging and personalized digital selling experience. Simplify your sales process with a tailor-made and trackable journey.

    All-in-one content creation

    Dazzle your prospects with gripping case studies, video demos, or company presentations. Share them in one place to stay in control and stand out early in the sales process.

    Sales interaction, humanized

    Is it impossible to stand out when interacting digitally? Don’t be like the herd with the simple email follow-up. Disrupt the sales process with a selfie video, a live chat message, or an SMS and watch your hit rates skyrocket.

    Document tracking & analytics

    Time kills deals, so don’t wait around hoping your proposal gets reviewed. Get notified when a prospect opens your proposal. Map out new stakeholders as your content gets shared and identify exactly when and whom to follow up with.

    Proposal management

    Upload your existing documents or create proposals from scratch within GetAccept using the editor tool. Save your sales proposals, quotes, and contracts to the template library and share them within minutes.

    Sales on autopilot

    Don’t let an opportunity pass you by! The GetAccept platform gives you all the tools to automate reminders via email, SMS, chat, and video to keep the deal moving forward. A sales rep’s best friend to make sure nothing falls between the cracks.

    Secure electronic signatures

    Make the buyer experience as smooth as possible. E-signatures are safe, easy to use and every signatory can sign from anywhere at any time.

    Customer Collaboration