

Datadog is the essential monitoring and security platform for cloud applications. We bring together end-to-end traces, metrics, and logs to make your applications, infrastructure, and third-party services entirely observable. These capabilities help businesses secure their systems, avoid downtime, and ensure customers are getting the best user experience.



  • - Visibility into infrastructure performance

    Datadog’s SaaS-based infrastructure monitoring provides metrics, visualizations, and alerting to ensure your engineering teams can maintain and optimize your cloud or hybrid environments. With extensive coverage of popular technologies, a simple deployment process that requires little maintenance, and an easy-to-use interface, Datadog helps teams communicate and troubleshoot more effectively.

    Complete coverage of any stack

    • Deploy everywhere—including on-premise, hybrid, IoT, and multi-cloud environments
    • Access vendor-backed integrations for Kubernetes, serverless platforms, and over 500 other popular technologies
    • Slice-and-dice complex infrastructure easily with tag-based search and analytics

    Monitoring that’s simple to deploy and effortless to manage

    • Deploy and start monitoring without any need for professional services or extensive training
    • Promote adoption across your organization with our intuitive user interface that requires no query language and can be used by anyone
    • Reduce alert fatigue with machine learning–based tools that automatically surface issues from the noise

    Deep visibility into infrastructure performance

    • Track tens of thousands of infrastructure metrics out-of-the-box
    • See continuous historical records, even on infrastructure that doesn’t exist anymore
    • Troubleshoot more quickly with one-click correlation of related metrics, traces, and logs from across the stack

    Metrics without Limits™

    • Ingest all your metrics. Decide which metrics to index that are valuable for your query; change your mind anytime
    • Preserve mathematical accuracy and granularity of your queries
    • Save engineering time spent building and maintaining a proxy

    Advanced collection capabilities

    • Access globally accurate percentiles with Distribution metrics, like p99 latency across a distributed service
    • Track the impact of every process running in the stack with Live Process monitoring
    • Incorporate business-level custom metrics like revenue or customer behavior with DogStatsD or via the API

  • - End-to-end visibility

    Datadog Network Performance Monitoring provides full visibility into every network component that makes up your on-prem, cloud, and hybrid environments, with little to no overhead. By monitoring the performance of connections among your hosts, services, virtual private clouds (VPCs), and other elements, you can quickly determine when your network is the root cause of any issue.

    Act on real-time network insights

    • Use visualizations of network traffic across applications, containers, availability zones, and datacenters to help optimize your migrations
    • Track key network metrics, such as TCP retransmits, latency, and connection churn
    • Monitor the health of traffic between any two endpoints at the app, IP address, port, or process ID (PID) layers

    See what matters—not just IP addresses

    • View communication between services, pods, cloud regions, and cloud resources
    • Isolate network issues in your Envoy-powered service mesh and troubleshoot inefficient load balancing
    • Manage cloud networking costs by pinpointing the services and teams responsible for large traffic spikes

    Gain deep DNS visibility

    • Analyze system-wide DNS performance without having to SSH into individual machines
    • Assess DNS server health with request-volume, response-time, and error-code metrics
    • Distinguish between client-side errors and server-side failures

    Monitor connections to cloud services

    • Observe and analyze traffic to Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB),GCP BigQuery, and other managed cloud services
    • Filter down into subcomponents such as specific S3 buckets or RDS databases for more granular insights
    • Pivot to integration metrics to determine if an issue lies with a cloud provider or originates from your systems

  • - End-to-end visibility

    Datadog Network Device Monitoring delivers insights into the health and performance of your routers, firewalls, switches, and other bare-metal devices. Give your teams an easy-to-use tool to monitor their entire network infrastructure and reduce tool sprawl.

    View stats on any interface, on any device, on any network

    • Automatically discover and collect metrics on your network from any device, including those from Cisco, Palo Alto, Dell, F5, Juniper, and other leading brands
    • Monitor even the largest environments with a highly scalable and lightweight agent
    • Take inventory with a complete list of all your network hardware

    Quickly expose performance with next-level tooling

    • Search for devices and then drill down to view the performance of specific interfaces with a single click
    • Create custom dashboards with drag-and-drop widgets to help you evaluate device performance at a glance
    • Filter device data according to helpful parameters, such as location

    Detect issues faster through advanced alerting

    • Rely on anomaly detection to quickly spot a malfunctioning device
    • Use forecasting to determine when interfaces will exceed their available bandwidth
    • Quickly configure alerts on many devices or interfaces at once

    Reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR)

    • Correlate issues between network and application teams thanks to an all-in-one tool
    • Consolidate all your network monitoring needs into a single pane of glass
    • Collaborate across teams, move faster, and solve problems more efficiently

  • - Visibility into containerized environments

    Datadog Container Monitoring provides real-time visibility into the health and performance of containerized environments. With curated metrics, teams can detect and investigate issues in every layer of their clusters. They can also correlate metrics, traces, logs, and network data to get a unified view into their container-based microservices.

    Automatically discover new containers and services

    • Detect when containers are created and destroyed to ensure full coverage of your dynamic infrastructure
    • Automatically discover services running on containers—no matter where they spin up—and start ingesting their metrics, traces, and logs
    • Get a detailed, real-time overview of each container's health, resource consumption, and deployment status

    Get end-to-end visibility across your containerized infrastructure

    • Surface critical information about every layer of your Kubernetes clusters with a multidimensional view of your workloads
    • Analyze the health of individual containers across pods, nodes, namespaces, and cloud providers
    • Seamlessly correlate metrics, logs, traces, and network data to troubleshoot performance issues quickly

    Streamline the collection of cluster-level monitoring data

    • Use the Datadog Cluster Agent to collect cluster-level data while reducing load on the API server
    • Autoscale Kubernetes applications in response to real-time fluctuations in any metric's value
    • Run endpoint checks against external services, such as managed databases and network devices

    Monitor serverless containers in any cloud

    • Leverage Datadog's turn-key integrations with AWS, Azure, and GCP to quickly start monitoring your serverless containers—no matter where they run
    • Isolate bottlenecks and troubleshoot performance problems with distributed tracing across any infrastructure component
    • Monitor important per-container metrics, such as resource usage and request and response error rates, on out-of-the-box dashboards for AWS Fargate and Google Cloud Run

    Get notified about anomalous and suspicious activity

    • Create and manage a comprehensive suite of monitors as part of the deployment process for Kubernetes applications
    • Automatically detect anomalous events, outliers, and errors with Watchdog's machine learning-based insights
    • Identify threats in real time with out-of-the-box security rules that notify you of suspicious activity in your clusters

  • - Detect and resolve performance issues

    Datadog serverless monitoring provides end-to-end visibility into the health of your serverless applications—reducing MTTD and MTTR. Serverless enables your teams to stay agile and focus their time building revenue-generating applications while reducing operational overhead. Visibility into metrics, traces, and logs for every invocation of your serverless applications allows your teams to deploy new code with confidence.

    All your functions in one place

    • Optimize serverless environments by pinpointing which resources are generating errors, high latency, or cold starts
    • Alert in real time on memory, timeout, and concurrency metrics to avoid poor end-user experiences
    • Identify critical application issues and pivot to relevant traces or logs with one click

    Trace across any infrastructure

    • Trace microservice calls across your stack to get end-to-end visibility into customer requests
    • Visualize distributed microservices in the Service Map and slice by tags like function, customer, version, and more
    • Ingest, search, and analyze 100% of traces live over the last 15 minutes

    End-to-end monitoring for serverless applications

    • Isolate an individual customer request and drill down to the associated logs and metrics for the full story
    • Reduce alert fatigue for your on-call teams with machine learning-based anomaly, outlier, and forecasting monitors
    • Search and filter using tags like service, customer, or error code to troubleshoot ephemeral functions

    Collect and correlate business and health metrics

    • Reduce data silos with a single source of truth for dev, ops, and business teams
    • Collect custom metrics directly from your functions to analyze data like the number or value of items in a cart
    • Visualize and analyze key business metrics through customizable dashboards

    Unified visibility into serverless applications

    • Correlate the impact of serverless deployment and configuration changes with critical metrics, traces, and logs
    • Visualize the health of your serverless architecture—including APIs, queues, databases, and more—in a single unified platform
    • Zero instrumentation observability with our AWS SAM, Serverless Framework, and AWS CDK integrations

  • - Search and analyze your logs at any scale

    Datadog Log Management unifies logs, metrics, and traces in a single view, giving you rich context for analyzing log data. Whether you’re troubleshooting issues, optimizing performance, or investigating security threats, Logging without Limits™ provides a cost-effective, scalable approach to centralized log management, so you can get complete visibility across your stack.

    Rapid troubleshooting, investigation, and analytics

    • Search, filter, and analyze logs on the fly—no complex query language required
    • Jump start exploration with Log Patterns, which intelligently surfaces trends in log activity
    • Visualize summary log data on interactive dashboards and work efficiently with granular saved views

    Process, enrich, and route all your logs from one central control panel

    • Leverage out-of-the-box log processing pipelines for 170+ common technologies
    • Build consistent, structured datasets from your raw log data, no matter the source
    • Enrich ingested logs with custom reference data to add more context and make them more actionable

    Logging without Limits™

    • Ingest, Live Tail, and archive everything. Decide which logs are most useful to retain (and for how long); change your mind anytime
    • Generate metrics from all logs (regardless of whether they're indexed) to track trends and KPIs
    • Rehydrate logs from your compressed archives and access them in Datadog to support audits or investigations

    The complete story in a single pane of glass

    • Seamlessly navigate from dashboards to associated logs for faster troubleshooting
    • Jump directly from logs to triggered security signals without switching tools or contexts
    • Pivot from logs to the corresponding APM traces with a single click

    Scalable log management for every team and every stack

    • Manage access to your log data with granular controls that can be scoped to fit your organization’s structures and roles
    • Scale with confidence—send and process millions of logs per minute or petabytes per month seamlessly
    • Use fine-grained controls to prioritize high-value logs and stay within budget

    Log Management
  • - Discover, classify, and protect sensitive data

    Datadog’s Sensitive Data Scanner helps businesses meet compliance goals by discovering, classifying, and hiding sensitive information within your log data—in real-time and at scale. Datadog scans your logs for patterns of sensitive data upon ingestion and then hashes or redacts it following built-in or user-defined rules to help businesses stay compliant with GDPR, HIPAA, CCPA, and more.

    Classify sensitive data based on its content, source, or designated risk level

    • Standardize data classification across dev, ops, and security teams and across different cloud platforms and hybrid environments
    • Accelerate classification through out-of-the-box rules that capture common patterns, such as credit card numbers, API keys, tokens, AWS secret keys, and others
    • Inform data governance policies with searchable tags on risk level, data source and priority about your company’s management of sensitive private data

    Discover sensitive data across your cloud environments

    • Save time by scanning and tagging of new hosts, containers and applications as soon as they are spun up
    • Tag sensitive data to allow teams to create real-time alerts and build dashboards
    • Reduce false positives with the help of industry-standard detection techniques, such as the Luhn algorithm

    Protect sensitive data from security breaches and both insider and external threat actors

    • Scrub sensitive data from your logs with predefined scanners from Datadog’s Data Scanner Library or custom scanners
    • Build a modern compliance strategy by combining sensitive data scanning with Datadog’s fully integrated role-based access control (RBAC) permissions and restriction queries
    • Use audit logs to keep a full record of user activity on the Datadog platform

    Log Management
  • - Monitor user activity across the Datadog platform

    Datadog Audit Trail helps businesses safely adopt the Datadog platform while maintaining compliance, enforcing governance, and building greater transparency. Gain full visibility into user access and platform changes across all systems, and empower DevOps and compliance teams with context-rich insights.

    Compliance Readiness made easy

    • Automatically capture and report on all audit events across configuration, access, and billing assets within the platform
    • Search and analyze detailed audit events for up to 90 days, and easily archive for long- term retention
    • Export audit event data to build your own reporting for regulatory requirements such as HIPAA, PCI, SOX, GDPR, and more

    Enforce platform governance while encouraging Datadog adoption amongst teams

    • Monitor and remediate configuration changes for critical assets
    • Eliminate blindspots related to asset ownership and access control
    • Maintain central visibility while teams customize their Datadog feature adoption

    Break down silos between teams

    • Collaborate and share findings with GRC teams, auditors, and security teams
    • Generate context-rich reports and insights using detailed audit events
    • Optimize Datadog platform configuration based on change frequency

    Log Management
  • - Take control of your observability data

    Datadog Observability Pipelines enables IT and security teams to cost-effectively collect, transform, and route logs, metrics, and traces from any source to any destination at petabyte scale. With full control of observability data, organizations can affordably manage and scale observability.

    Control costs, improve visibility

    • Cost-effectively ingest and process all of your logs, metrics, and traces with flexibility to route noisy data to low-cost storage and rehydrate data as needed
    • Reduce your total data volumes through rule-based sampling and aggregation without losing access to mission-critical KPIs and trends
    • Impose rule-based throttles and reactive routing strategies for spike protection

    Simplify migrations, reduce lock-in

    • Orchestrate and monitor data delivery from any source to any destination, including on-prem locations
    • Adopt new technologies at your own pace without vendor lock-in
    • Automatically parse, enrich, and map data to the right schema

    Protect sensitive data

    • Redact sensitive data before it leaves your infrastructure
    • Stay compliant with residency laws with full control over data routing
    • Centralized and multi-region deployments give you flexibility to choose the right strategy for your sensitive data

    Enforce data quality

    • Format, transform, and enrich all observability data using built-in processors to get more insights out of your existing systems
    • Adopt schemas to enforce consistent data quality and improve investigation and resolution times
    • Manage and preserve data quality when changes are made with type-safe transforms

    Superior performance at petabyte scale

    • Process petabytes of data with Vector, a vendor-agnostic open source project with millions of monthly downloads
    • Built using an open source, secure, type- and memory-safe core
    • Prevent data loss with features like disk buffers and adaptive request concurrency to create pipelines designed for reliability and low latency

    Log Management
  • - End-to-end distributed tracing

    Datadog Application Performance Monitoring (APM) provides end-to-end distributed tracing from browser and mobile apps to databases and individual lines of code. By seamlessly correlating distributed traces with frontend and backend data, Datadog APM enables you to monitor service dependencies and health metrics, reduce latency, and eliminate errors so that your users get the best possible experience.

    End-to-end application performance monitoring

    • Follow requests from RUM sessions to services, serverless functions, and databases
    • View traces and logs in context with automatic trace_id injection
    • Connect distributed traces to infrastructure metrics, network calls, and live processes
    • Tie synthetic API and browser test failures to backend errors

    Live visibility, complete control

    • Investigate incidents faster with real-time visibility into all ingested traces and service dependencies over the last 15 minutes
    • Resolve issues quicker with ML-based insights that automatically surface error and latency outliers during active investigations
    • Retain only the traces that are most important to your business by setting custom tag-based retention filters
    • Set SLOs, track trends, and monitor KPIs by generating span-based metrics using any set of tags

    Code-level insights, instant root cause analysis

    • Optimize your production code and save on compute costs with always-on, low overhead code profiling
    • Reduce service latency with a break down of slow requests by time spent in code on CPU, GC, lock contention, and I/O
    • Explain performance regressions caused by inefficient code by comparing code profiles using any tag and timeframe
    • Improve application performance by monitoring profile aggregations of services and endpoints and detecting bottlenecks in your code

    Track deploys, ship with confidence

    • Monitor and compare impacts of canary, blue-green, and shadow deploys on application performance
    • Pinpoint error and latency outliers with out-of-the-box service dashboards
    • Visualize service dependency changes due to deploys using the Service Map

    Monitor application performance of any stack, anywhere

    • Deploy application performance monitoring in seconds on hosts, containers, serverless functions, and PaaS, and auto-instrument your application effortlessly
    • Utilize hundreds of integrations with third-party frameworks or libraries for unparalleled visibility into Java, .NET, PHP, Node.js, Ruby, Python, Go, or C++ applications
    • Access flexible support for vendor-neutral standards such as OpenTelemetry and OpenTracing

    Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
  • - Optimize code performance in production

    Datadog Continuous Profiler analyzes and compares code performance all the time and in any environment, including production, with negligible overhead. Quickly identify and optimize the most time- and resource-consuming parts in your application code in order to improve MTTR, enhance user experience, and reduce cloud provider costs.

    Pinpoint hard to replicate production issues caused by inefficient code

    • Continuously profile each line of code in any environment without affecting application performance and user experience
    • Identify methods that are inefficient under production load, despite having performed well in pre-production environments
    • Optimize resource consumption and save on compute costs with code profiling aggregations across hosts, services, and versions

    Method-level visibility into every request


    • Tie every distributed trace in APM to the performance of methods and threads that executed the request
    • Determine the root cause of slow requests with a breakdown of time spent by method on garbage collection, locks, and I/O
    • Resolve service bottlenecks and improve user experience by optimizing the methods that are causing high latency

    Track every deploy and eliminate code performance regressions

    • Compare a variety of profile types to analyze the performance impact of new code during canary, blue/green, or shadow deploys
    • Isolate the most resource-heavy methods to quickly understand what is causing a spike in latency, CPU utilization, or memory allocation
    • Monitor code performance variations in production by applying code profiling metrics to your dashboards

    Automated code profiling insights, leveraging years of runtime expertise

    • Derive actionable insights from an automatic heuristic analysis of the main problem areas in your code
    • Surface runtime performance problems such as deadlocked threads, inefficient garbage collection, and memory leaks
    • Apply suggested fixes to improve application performance without having prior experience in code profiling

    Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
  • - Visualize, track, and analyze query metrics

    Datadog Database Monitoring allows you to view query metrics and explain plans from all of your databases in a single place. With Database Monitoring, you can quickly pinpoint costly and slow queries and drill into precise execution details to address bottlenecks. Additionally, query and host metric correlation makes it easy to identify and understand the impact of resource constraints on database performance.

    Monitor your databases with query metrics

    • Identify problematic queries with valuable metrics such as average latency, total execution time, and number of rows queried
    • Leverage historical query performance data to track long-term trends
    • Get granular insight into query activity with automatically sampled queries

    Analyze explain plans to optimize query performance

    • Dive into explain plans to identify inefficient query patterns that hinder performance
    • Visualize differences between multiple explain plans for individual queries in order to identify hotspots
    • Seamlessly pivot from explain plans to related metrics to understand how inefficiencies impact performance

    Correlate query metrics with database and infrastructure metrics

    • View query metrics alongside system performance metrics from your Postgres, MySQL and SQL Server databases
    • Monitor query-level and host-level metrics together to better understand how resource constraints affect database performance
    • Leverage out-of-the-box integration with the rest of the Datadog platform, including dashboards, monitors, SLO tracking, and advanced formulas and functions

    Extract valuable insights without compromising database security

    • Expand your team’s access to query metrics without providing explicit database access to every user
    • Keep sensitive data secure with automatic obfuscation of PII in explain plans and query metrics
    • Scale DBM usage with your needs and manage a large number of databases securely

    Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
  • - Streamline your CI/CD workflows

    Datadog CI Visibility provides deep insight into the health and performance of your CI environment. Datadog auto-instruments your pipelines and tests, so you can dive into traces for problematic builds and executions. You can also scope your CI data by repository, branch, or commit in order to surface trends and troubleshoot issues. This provides a comprehensive view into CI activity and makes it easier to resolve bottlenecks, reduce CI costs, and deliver better software.

    Monitor and troubleshoot pipeline activity

    • Visualize key performance metrics, such as build duration and error rate, across all CI providers
    • Dive into individual pipelines for more granular details, such as breakdowns of duration and failure rates for individual stages and jobs
    • Troubleshoot pipeline issues with contextual data, such as error sources, job spans, and logs

    Optimize your test suite and surface flaky behavior

    • Restore confidence in your team's test results through automatic flaky test detection
    • Debug test failures by drilling into test and stack traces, as well as error messages
    • Visualize test performance over time to identify trends and spot regressions

    Incorporate CI Visibility into your existing monitoring workflow

    • Leverage turn-key integrations with CI providers such as GitLab, Jenkins, CircleCI, and more
    • Automatically alert your teams about any problems in your pipelines
    • Collaborate on investigations into pipeline and test issues with Datadog Notebooks and Incident Management

    Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
  • - A central hub for all knowledge

    Datadog Service Catalog allows you to easily manage service ownership at scale and quickly identify dependencies in complex, microservice-based applications. Automatically integrated with real-time observability data, Service Catalog makes it simple to eliminate knowledge silos, collaborate effectively during incidents, detect gaps in observability, and gain instant performance insights.

    Consolidate dispersed knowledge from across all your microservices

    • Improve the developer experience by unifying knowledge about service ownership, dependencies, and real-time performance in a single place
    • Automatically discover hundreds of APM services and RUM applications to quickly find owners, on-call engineers, and critical resources with minimal engineering effort
    • Shorten new hire onboarding time with out-of-the-box answers to questions about system architecture, ownership, and different types of telemetry

    Streamline collaboration during incidents

    • Quickly diagnose reliability issues by identifying services associated with triggered monitors, faulty deployments, breached SLOs, or new errors
    • Resolve incidents faster by automatically mapping all impacted services and gaining instant access to relevant owners, on-call engineers, runbooks, and dashboards
    • Minimize downtime by ensuring PagerDuty on-call coverage and viewing the incident status of every service next to real-time performance metrics

    Promote observability best practices at scale

    • Improve response times for customer-impacting issues by ensuring that services are configured to send essential telemetry
    • Detect observability gaps at a glance by identifying services that are missing telemetry, SLOs, monitors, or critical on-call resources
    • Streamline root-cause investigations via a unified observability tool that leverages built-in integrations for Slack, PagerDuty, and Source Code

    Instantly spot performance issues wherever they appear

    • Confidently release new versions by tracking deployment cadence and key performance metrics for all applications and services
    • Reliably find root causes of code-level bottlenecks and pivot to your source code with one click for immediate optimization
    • Immediately detect anomalies in application behavior surfaced by Datadog’s AI engine, Watchdog

    Application Performance Monitoring (APM)
  • - Security for your production environment

    Datadog’s Cloud Security Platform delivers real-time threat detection and continuous configuration audits across your entire production environment, so you can bring speed and scale to your security organization. The Cloud Security Platform is built on top of Datadog’s observability platform, which breaks down silos between Security and DevOps teams and aligns them to shared organizational goals.

    Real-time detection

    • Remain vigilant with always-on security monitoring that detects attacks at any time, not on a schedule
    • Leverage continuous scanning to identify misconfigurations, as well as suspicious file and process activity, in real time
    • Detect threats quickly, regardless of the scale of your system, the volume of your data, or the complexity of your rules

    Security data in context

    • View and correlate context-rich security signals to reconstruct attack paths and secure your environment
    • Assess the business impact of security incidents by pivoting seamlessly between security signals and full-stack telemetry
    • Get additional insight into security threats through automatic enrichment of ingested logs

    A unified platform for DevOps and Security

    • Maintain efficient DevOps practices while implementing robust threat detection and incident response workflows
    • Enable developers to focus on building new features—not securing your environment
    • Leverage the existing Agent and integrations to achieve new security visibility

    Immediate time to value

    • Get started quickly with out-of-the-box threat detection rules, dashboards, and more
    • Correlate threats with application logs and telemetry from more than 500 turn-key integrations
    • Detect threats without specialized knowledge of a query language

    Full-stack defense across applications, workloads, and infrastructure

    • Prevent a single security vulnerability from compromising your entire infrastructure
    • Secure your full stack: infrastructure, hosts, containers, and applications
    • Identify malicious activity at any stage of an attack

    IT Security Management
  • - Continuous configuration scans

    Datadog Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), a part of the Datadog Cloud Security Platform, performs configuration checks across your cloud accounts, hosts, and containers. Scanning is continuous and surveys every resource, and Datadog’s executive reporting provides summaries to track conformance to industry benchmark criteria. CSPM is built on the unified Datadog Agent and platform-wide cloud integrations, allowing you to get started in minutes.

    Turn-key configuration monitoring

    • Focus on the most pressing questions, such as “What is my posture score?” or “What is the most common finding impacting my score?” with an intuitive security posture dashboard
    • Track conformance to requirements of industry benchmarks and other controls, such as CIS, PCI DSS, and SOC 2
    • See security posture scores across your infrastructure and trace each score back to the applicable benchmark or framework criteria

    Simple but not simplistic posture management

    • Get visibility into your configuration status at any given point in time
    • Answer tough curveball questions, such as how an S3 bucket was configured on a specific date last year
    • See your full security posture context by leveraging the Datadog Cloud Security Platform with continuous scanning that tracks every resource, whether it's ephemeral or long-lasting

    Start quickly, scale efficiently

    • Get started in minutes with Datadog's unified Agent and platform-wide cloud integrations
    • Survey your entire cloud environment while lowering the risk of triggering cloud service provider API-call rate limits
    • Increase operational efficiency and reduce total cost of ownership by leveraging existing underlying technologies

    Avoid alert fatigue

    • Scale your compliance operations using Datadog’s efficient, dynamic, and aggregated security posture findings
    • Get the right alerts to the right teams with bespoke views of potential misconfigurations and violations
    • Notify operations users about configuration alerts at the cluster, account, or service level, and keep business users informed about the security posture of individual teams

    IT Security Management
  • - Real-time eBPF-powered threat detection

    Datadog Cloud Workload Security (CWS) performs deep, in-kernel analysis of workload activity across your hosts and containers to uncover threats. Datadog researches, develops, and packages out-of-the-box threat detection, with the ability to customize security rules to extend coverage to your whole environment. CWS uses your existing Datadog Agent, so you can get started in minutes.

    Deep workload activity monitoring

    • Uncover threats in your hosts and containers with performant, in-kernel analysis of your workload activity
    • Examine and triage security alerts with full file and process context
    • Detect threats at runtime with real-time, continuous monitoring

    Turn-key workload threat detection

    • Leverage curated out-of-the-box workload threat detection rules researched, developed, and maintained by Datadog
    • Start immediately with baseline rules automatically included in the Datadog Agent
    • Write custom detection rules to extend your coverage based on unique aspects of your environment

    Start quickly, scale efficiently

    • Get started in minutes by activating Cloud Workload Security on the unified Datadog Agent
    • Reduce complexity for your operations team by leveraging the same monitoring platform they’re familiar with
    • Increase operational efficiency and reduce total cost of ownership through Datadog’s 500+ integrations

    Superior File Integrity Monitoring

    • Detect problems as they crop up and maintain critical file controls in real time with Datadog File Integrity Monitoring (FIM)
    • Collect file change events using the existing Datadog Agent to ensure scalability and minimal resource overhead
    • Get deep visibility into file activity across your entire environment with full support for both containers and hosts

    IT Security Management
  • - Real-time threat detection

    Datadog Cloud SIEM, a part of the Datadog Cloud Security Platform, provides robust threat detection for dynamic, cloud-scale environments. With Cloud SIEM, you can analyze operational and security logs in real time—regardless of their volume—while utilizing curated, out-of-the-box integrations and rules to detect threats. Developers, security, and operations teams can also leverage detailed observability data to accelerate security investigations in a single, unified platform.

    Extensible, out-of-the-box security integrations

    • Leverage Datadog’s 500+ built-in integrations for full visibility into your network, identity providers, endpoints, and SaaS applications
    • Ingest, normalize, and enrich logs, as well as third-party security alerts, to detect threats and accelerate investigations
    • Collaborate with multiple teams through integrations with ticketing portals, chat systems, and remediation tools

    Curated, easily customizable security rules

    • Leverage built-in threshold and anomaly detection rules to detect threats quickly, with minimal configuration
    • Identify common threats or attacks within the MITRE ATT&CK® framework
    • Write your own custom rules without learning a proprietary query language

    Real-time, round-the-clock threat detection

    • Discover security issues at log ingestion, never after costly indexing
    • Detect threats quickly, even if your rules are complex or you are ingesting large volumes of data
    • Enrich security signals with Datadog-managed threat intelligence feeds

    A low maintenance, cost-effective SIEM

    • Obtain immediate time to value by focusing on threat detection, not hardware maintenance
    • Improve your team's efficiency during security investigations by removing the burden of SIEM patching
    • Reduce your operational overhead with a cost-effective, cloud-native SIEM

    IT Security Management
  • - Detect and remediate attacks

    Datadog Application Security Monitoring (ASM) delivers deep, real-time visibility into attacks that target your web applications and APIs. By leveraging Datadog’s distributed tracing capabilities, ASM reveals attack flows and determines which OWASP threats trigger abnormal application behavior, helping teams prioritize efforts. Code-level context provides actionable insights that enable faster remediation and help improve collaboration among development, security and operations teams.

    Improve Threat Detection With Context Awareness

    • Surface attacks that trigger suspicious application behavior by leveraging runtime execution context information available through distributed traces, and quickly prioritize the remediation of the most business-critical threats.
    • Detect OWASP attacks out of the box, including server-side-request forgeries (SSRFs), SQL injections, cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks, and more.

    Identify Bad Actors

    • Gain the ability to prioritize the most advanced attacks by flagging authenticated suspicious requests that target your authenticated attack surface.
    • Easily identify the authenticated bad actors that are generating suspicious security activity and trace their activity.
    • Leverage threat intelligence data to call attention to source IPs known to be suspicious.

    Gain Actionable Insights

    • Alert teams to attacks that have triggered code-level vulnerabilities.
    • Gain deep visibility into how attacks affect applications and APIs by observing their end-to-end attack flows.
    • Pivot to errors, associated stack traces, or even source code to collaborate across teams and fix potential vulnerabilities.

    Get Started Quickly

    • Dramatically improve security visibility without adding another agent or library to your services. Datadog Application Security Monitoring leverages the unified Datadog library also used for APM.
    • Gain immediate insights into protection against the most common attacks by using out-of-the-box rules that require no security expertise for rule configuration.

    IT Security Management
  • - End-to-end visibility into user journeys

    Datadog Real User Monitoring (RUM) provides insight into your application’s frontend performance from the perspective of real users. Every user journey is correlated seamlessly with synthetic tests, backend metrics, traces, logs, and network performance data, so you can quickly detect poor user experience and resolve issues with context from across the stack.

    Resolve frontend performance issues that are impacting users

    • Understand user experience of your applications with critical performance data such as Core Web Vitals
    • Visualize aggregated frontend performance metrics or slice-and-dice by country, device, application, and more
    • Identify the root cause of slow load times, whether it's an issue with the code, the network, or the infrastructure

    Troubleshoot and resolve frontend errors

    • Resolve JavaScript errors by pinpointing the root cause of an issue down to the line of code
    • Intelligently group high-volume application errors into a small number of issues with Error Tracking
    • Identify which segments of your customers are experiencing errors in real time with tags for device, OS, and country

    Analyze product usage

    • Automatically collect and correlate every resource, error, and user action during a user's session
    • Analyze usage across your mobile and web applications by browser, country, or any custom dimension with RUM Analytics
    • Understand user experience with visualizations including time series, top lists, and tables

    Collect custom attributes from user journeys

    • Contextualize user sessions on your applications with attributes like user ID, email, and name
    • Capture business-critical user actions such as checkout button click, tap, and more
    • Ingest custom metrics that are specific to your business and correlate them with real-time product analytics

    Triage and resolve issues with an end-to-end view of user experience

    • Simulate user journeys with Datadog Browser Tests and correlate results with real-time user experiences
    • Pivot from RUM data to request traces and logs for complete context when investigating issues
    • Unify full-stack monitoring in a single platform for frontend and backend development teams

  • - End-to-end testing

    Datadog Synthetic Monitoring allows you to create code-free tests that proactively simulate user transactions on your applications and monitor key network endpoints across various layers of your systems. Quickly detect user-facing issues with API and browser tests—and jump-start system-wide investigations so you can optimize performance and enhance your end-user experience.

    Proactively monitor your endpoints with API tests

    • Validate all layers of your systems (HTTP, SSL, DNS, WebSocket, TCP, UDP, ICMP, and gRPC) from several worldwide locations
    • View a breakdown of network timing data for faster root cause analysis
    • Verify end-to-end workflows by chaining HTTP requests and API calls in multistep API tests

    Capture critical transactions with our code-free, fully hosted web recorder

    • Monitor key workflows with step-by-step screenshots of the end-user view and waterfall visualizations
    • Add meaningful assertions to verify exactly what your users are seeing—and build subtests to easily include common steps in multiple tests
    • Browser tests intelligently detect UI changes and update automatically to reduce alert fatigue

    Shift testing to the left in your CI/CD pipeline

    • Incorporate Synthetic tests in your CI pipelines for early issue detection and remediation
    • Evaluate the state of your production environment after each deployment to identify regressions and automate rollbacks
    • Minimize downtime and streamline collaboration by eliminating the need for disparate teams to maintain separate testing scenarios

    Monitor any environment from your own secured private locations

    • Gain visibility into internal and external apps from inside your network
    • Easily deploy and scale with our integrations for Docker, Kubernetes, and more
    • Create custom locations in areas that are mission-critical to your business to ensure that key applications are available to users at all times

    Reduce mean time to resolution with full-stack visibility

    • Get full context for troubleshooting failed test runs with correlated metrics, traces, and logs—without switching between platforms
    • Visualize application uptime data alongside key business metrics
    • Monitor and maintain your SLAs by proactively tracking SLOs with Synthetic tests

  • - Monitor errors and crashes

    Datadog Error Tracking gives teams a logical framework for troubleshooting errors throughout their applications. Error Tracking reduces noise by grouping individual errors into issues, so teams can better assess their impact. Issues include relevant context, down to lines of code, which accelerates the resolution process and makes it easier to maintain service health while delivering a strong user experience.

    Automatically aggregate similar errors into issues

    • Reduce noise by automatically grouping related errors into issues based on error type, error message, and stack trace
    • Follow issues over time to understand when they started, how they have evolved, and how often they are occurring
    • Zero in on specific subsets of issues with Datadog’s simple faceted search, which doesn't require knowledge of a query language

    Get notified about the most pressing issues

    • Receive alerts when Datadog identifies new issues so you can be on top of any potential problems
    • Incorporate alerts into your existing workflow through integrations with notification tools such as PagerDuty and Slack

    Troubleshoot errors and identify their root cause

    • Investigate errors down to lines of code with un-minification of JavaScript stack traces and deobfuscation of Android crashes
    • Link error stack traces to the relevant source code through integrations with Github, Gitlab, and Bitbucket
    • Identify which version introduced an issue and utilize tags such as url and environment to understand where it is most prevalent

    Get full-stack visibility through seamless correlation of frontend, backend, and mobile data

    • Leverage Error Tracking across RUM and APM data without additional instrumentation
    • Identify the source of frontend errors by navigating to backend traces and logs in a single click
    • Explore performance and error data for individual user sessions with Datadog RUM and Session Replay

  • - Pixel-perfect replays for visual troubleshooting

    Datadog’s Session Replay lets you capture and visually replay your users’ web browsing experience for review, analysis, and troubleshooting. Identify and fix UX problems faster by replaying user sessions flagged by Datadog’s Error Tracking or APM traces. Improve conversion rates by making informed, data-driven decisions about how your end users are interacting with your applications.

    • View your users’ problems first-hand by watching session replays tied directly to issues detected in Error Tracking
    • Easily troubleshoot and debug workflows by gaining insights into your users’ actions in the context of frontend errors, network calls, and performance measurements
    • Achieve full-stack visibility by shifting between session replays and backend traces

    In-depth insights into product usage patterns and user behavior

    • Apply discoveries about user behavior to product and design decisions
    • Explore user behavior to uncover the impact of errors and performance bottlenecks and to locate points of frustration with your UX
    • Gain and share insights without needing technical skills, thanks to a simple interface, shareable player, and out-of-the-box dashboards

    Enterprise-grade privacy controls

    • Protect users with privacy options that anonymize sensitive information and capture only the data you need to improve your UX
    • Secure replay data with granular, role-based access control (RBAC) protections that can be scoped to fit your organizational structure
    • Maintain compliance with the help of Datadog’s fully GDPR-compliant platform