About us

We develop apps that make your life easier, so you can spend time on selling instead of doing manual work.

For many years we have developed different app's for many types of businesses and industries. We develop standard apps for the best-known ERP systems, web shops, and supply management applications. We can also customize your particular solution based on your specific needs.

Our standard apps work one way or another way depending on the solution you need.

We have 7 dedicated and professional developers, who work on developing solutions for our customers.

We are experts in most ERP systems and web shops and have many years of experience using these programs.

Contact us at +40 11 17 30 or mail info@2app.dk for further dialogue on how we can help your business.

Our Products






Our skills

We have skills and experience in developing apps for Windows and PHP.

We have 7 dedicated developers with many years of experience with programming, use of various integration tools from ERP systems, web shops and supply management systems.

Our work on many different cases has given us a lot of experience in building integration tools that work.

We are experts in most ERP systems and web shops and have many years of experience using these programs.

Contact us at + 45 40 11 17 30 or mail info@2app.dk for further dialogue on how we can help your business.

Become a partner

2app is one of the leading companies in developing apps for integration between ERP systems and web shops. Our solutions are very competitive in price, and we have a competent team for development and support.As a 2app partner, you and your business become a part of our growth and success. We have a fair partner model that provides you with a part of the sale of our solution.Contact us at +45 40 11 17 30 or by mail address info@2app.dk for further dialogue on how to become a partner. 

  • - Save money and time on boring work.

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Woocommerce directly to e-conomic. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your PrestaShop directly to e-conomic. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Magento directly to e-conomic. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Shopify directly to e-conomic. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your VirtueMart directly to e-conomic. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Hikashop directly to e-conomic. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app, you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Magento directly to e-conomic so your webshop is always updated to your financial system. Each time there is a new order, it is transferred to e-conomic via our application. Or whenever you change your customers, please update e-conomic. With our solutions, you do not pay for the amount of product, customers or orders you transfer, but only one monthly fee and setup fee for integration to your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Få kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk

    App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra NETS/TELLER. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra NETS/TELLER i e-conomic kassekladden.

    Data Integration
  • - Få kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk

    App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra EPAY. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra EPAY i e-conomic kassekladden.

    Data Integration
  • - Få kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk

    App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra Stripe. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra Stripe i e-conomic kassekladden.

    Data Integration
  • - e-conomic finansposteringer direkte i Excel ark

    Som noget nyt kan vi tilbyde en app der henter dine finansposteringer i e-conomic direkte ned i dit Excel

    Med vores løsning kan du stå i Excel og trække dine data ud. Første gang henter du alle finansposteringer og de efterfølgende gange skal du blot opdatere og de sidste finansposteringer bliver opdateret i dit Excel ark.

    • Alle finansposteringer overført til Excel
    • Du behøver ikke været logget på e-conomic men blot åbne Excel.
    • Du kan sortere dine finansposteringer som du vil
    • Oprette faste Pivottabel som du kan bruge som analyse 
    • Revisor kan nemt få adgang til regnskabstal via administratormodul

    Data Integration
  • - Spar tid og penge på kedelig arbejde

    Med denne app kan du overfører vare, kunder og ordre fra din Sales Force direkte til e-conomic så din webshop altid er opdateret over til dit økonomisystem. Hver gang der er en ny ordre overføres den til e-conomic via vores applikation. Eller hver gang du ændre i kunder og vare så opdateres e-conomic.

    Data Integration
  • - e-conomic regnskabs og budgettal direkte i Excel

    Finans til Excel er en APP til e-conomic, som gør nemt at trække regnskabsdata og budgetdata direkte ned i dit Excel. APP giver dig hurtig overblik over udvikling og status, samtidig kan du se udviklingen måned for måned med tal og graf. Finans til Excel APP trækker samtidig budget information ud direkte fra e-conomic. Statustal gør at revisor hele tiden kan følge med i tallene og samtidig rapportere. 

    Med vores app opnår du følgende:Finansposter direkte i Excel måned for måned
    • Budgetposter direkte i Excel måned for måned
    • Månedsrapportering bliver nem 
    • Simulering mellem enkle måneder
    • Revisor kan trække dine e-conomic tal direkte ud fra Excel 
    • Revisor kan bruge denne til flere kunder hvis de har administrationsaftale
    Alt sammen er automatisk. Du skal blot taske din Token , så henter APP alle data i e-conomic.

    Data Integration
  • - Regnskabsrapport med realiseret tal og budget.

    Som noget nyt kan vi tilbyde en app der henter dine regnskabs og budgettal i e-conomic direkte ned i dit Excel

    Med vores løsning kan du stå i Excel og trække dine regnskabs og budget data ud. 

    • Alle finansposter og budget poster overføres til Excel
    • Du behøver ikke været logget på e-conomic men blot åbne Excel.
    • Du kan vælge den periode du gerne vil have data med ud
    • Du kan sammenligne med perioden tidligere år
    • Du får hurtigt overblik over resultatopgørelse og dine balance tal

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your PrestaShop directly to Billy. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Billy via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your VirtueMart directly to Billy. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Billy via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Hikashop directly to Billy. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Billy via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your WooCommerce directly to Billy. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Billy via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information e-conomic is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk

    App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra Clearhaus. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra Clearhaus i e-conomic kassekladden.

    Data Integration
  • - Billy finansposteringer direkte i Excel ark

    Som noget nyt kan vi tilbyde en app der henter dine finansposteringer i Billy direkte ned i dit Excel

    Med vores løsning kan du stå i Excel og trække dine data ud. Første gang henter du alle finansposteringer og de efterfølgende gange skal du blot opdatere og de sidste finansposteringer bliver opdateret i dit Excel ark.

    • Alle finansposteringer overført til Excel

    • Du behøver ikke været logget på Billy men blot åbne Excel.

    • Du kan sortere dine finansposteringer som du vil

    • Oprette faste Pivottabel som du kan bruge som analyse 

    • Revisor kan nemt få adgang til regnskabstal via administratormodul

    Data Integration
  • - Kreditkort indbetalinger bogført automatisk

    App’en fungerer via et dashboard, som vi sætter op sammen med dig. Når Dashboardet er sat op, overfører app’en automatisk indbetalinger fra Viabill. På den måde vil du altid få udlignet dine indbetalinger fra Viabill i e-conomic kassekladden.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Magento directly to Reviso. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Reviso via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information Reviso is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Shopify directly to Reviso. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Reviso via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information Reviso is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your PrestaShop directly to Reviso. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Reviso via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information Reviso is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Save time and money on boring work

    With this app you can transfer products, customers and orders from your Woocommerce directly to Reviso. Your accounting system is always updated from the webshop. Every time there is a new order it is transferred to Reviso via our application. Or every time you change in customers and products information Reviso is updated.

    With our app, you only pay a fixed fee and not for how many products, customers or orders you transfer. For the implemation you only pay a small setupfee for setup the app for your business.

    Data Integration
  • - Tilbud og Ordre direkte i e-conomic

    Med denne Smart csv import kan du overfører faktura, tilbud og kunder Excel csv fil direkte til e-conomic så.

    Vores app gør det muligt flexible at importere faktura og produktlinjer efter hvilke informationer der skal med ind på på faktura - det samme gælder for for ordre og tilbud. 

    Data Integration
  • - Microsoft Power BI - få overblik over dine data

    Ved hjælp af et dashboard kan du overvåge alle dine vigtige data fra hele organisationen og fra alle de apps du bruger i din virksomhed. Power BI Desktop giver dig et værktøjer til at omdanne, analysere og visualisere data. Del rapporter hurtigt med hele din organisation ved hjælp Power BI på web eller internt.

    Business Intelligence
  • - Alle dine data over i selvstændig SQL database

    Få alle dine data over i selvstændig SQL database hvor du kan lave dine egne rapporter og grafer.

    Vi henter følgende data over:

    • Kunder
    • Leverandører
    • Produkter 
    • Faktura, ordre og tilbud
    • Finanspostinger
    • Afdeling 
    • Time sags data

    Alt sammen opdates dagligt til SQL database hvor du nemt kan få adgang til tabeller. Vi hjælper med at sætte det op og har vejledning hvordan dette gøres

    Business Intelligence
  • - Transfer your orders directly to the shipping app

    Transfer your orders directly to the shipping app By using 2app, you get access to a function in your accounting program that simply and easily transfers your orders to shipping. In the shipping app, you can easily ship orders via GLS to Danish and foreign customers. Print label from app to your label printer. There are no additional costs with our services. You pay the agreed freight price with GLS. In the app, you create an additional menu item in Visma e-conomic and with just a few clicks – you have shipped your orders to GLS. As a customer of 2app - we offer a 24/7 solution that is available when you need it.

    Data Migration
  • - Få ordre direkte i e-conomic

    Opsæt nemt dine produktpakker og få ordre direkte i e-conomic

    Accounting and Finance
  • - reconcile credit card payments with your bank

    With our app, you can reconcile credit card payments with your bank records so that you receive regular credit card payments with your data from the bank.

    Once you have loaded your card data from Nets / Teller or e-pay you can upload bank entries in your checkout to our app. Then, you load bank records from your bank statement, which are loaded as a CSV file.

    Our app then offsets the records from the bank and checkout against each other. Subsequently, reconciled items can be transferred to the cash register for reconciled items, non-settled items remain in the cash register.

    Accounting and Finance
    Data Management